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Change Log - 2022

An historical summary of our changelog for 2022.

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Written by Team Tribal Habits
Updated over a week ago

Changelog for 2022

12 December 2022 (Release 6630)

  • FEATURE - Discussion Forum (in topics and articles). We love social learning, so we're so excited to announce the introduction of our forum feature! When enabled, explorers can engage in discussions on topics or articles by creating posts, replying to other posts, searching for and viewing content contributed by other explorers, and 'favouriting' posts and replies they like! It's easy to enable this feature for your existing topics and articles, so why not try turning it on now?

5 December 2022 (Release 6605)

  • Tweak - The Enrolments reports in Analytics once again have the Recertify column (which vanished after the Admin area rebrand last month!).

  • Tweak - Tables in the Creator text editor now have a new table style called 'No borders' - which is a really good description of that style! No borders on any cells.

  • Tweak - Items in the Interact element can now have up to 2,000 characters (up from 1,000 characters) to allow for a little more flexibility in content creation.

  • Tweak - Explorers now have the ability to (re)download a file they have submitted to the Upload element (might be handy to revisit what they submitted!).

21 November 2022 (Release 6504)

  • FEATURE - New Library page (in Admin). We've given our Library page a serious make-over, so make sure you check it out! Not only is this page looking fabulous, with the addition of images and handy tags, we've also introduced improved filtering and search functionality. Filter by 'Compliance' versus 'Capability' type library content as well as your portal's own content (active content only). You can also narrow down the content type to show only articles or only topics. And, with our new URL keyword search, you can create custom URLs incorporating keywords (e.g. 'org/admin#/knowledge/library/bullying') that can be used to load a pre-filtered version of the page showing only content that relates to the keyword.

  • Tweak - Auto-scroll after 'Return to LMS' for SCORM modules. When an explorer returns to the Tribal Habits portal after exiting a SCORM module, they are now automatically returned to the SCORM element within the topic or article instead of needing to scroll to get back to where they were when they launched the SCORM module.

14 November 2022 (Release 6467)

  • Tweak - We are adjusting the default date ranges on Analytics date filters to improve default results. So far, we have adjusted the date ranges for the People report. This fine tuning will continue to occur over the next few weeks.

  • Tweak - We changed the button text displayed when submitting a response to a Poll to provide clearer instructions for learners.

  • Fix - Some of the triggers for reminder emails have been updated to prevent notifications from being sent 1-2 days earlier than they should.

7 November 2022 (Release 6460)

  • FEATURE - New Timelines report in Analytics. Here's a big one for you if you love data! Our new Timelines report presents events (such as creating, deleting or updating knowledge, managing users, and much more) that have taken place in your portal as an audit log. This makes it easy to see what's been going on and troubleshoot certain activities when needed using various filters. Items tracked by this report are stored in a separate table and are permanent which means deleting a person or topic will not remove any related records from the log.

  • FEATURE - Four new Narration voices. ¡Hola! Please welcome our four new, bi-lingual characters to the Narration element - Lupe and Pedro (who speak English and Spanish), Kajal (who is fluent in English and Hindi), and Léa (with her perfect English and French). Au revoir!

  • Tweak - Added a number of new stickers to the Stickers section of our Image Editor, including emojis, numbers and symbols.

  • Tweak - Added 'Force password reset on next login' as a new field to the Zapier integration.

  • Fix - Validations for invalid manager and mentor email addresses on the New Person page have been fixed ('Manager 2-5 email' and 'Mentor email' fields).

2 November 2022 (Release 6442)

  • FEATURE - Images and files can now be added to text elements. Here's a fun new feature for all the creators - you can now Insert images and downloadable files directly into your text within the Text, Hotspot, and Interact elements!! So this means you could have images appear within a hotspot popup, files appear within flipcards or images and files appear in questions for Q&A, poll and quiz elements!

  • Tweak - More fun for creators - the Image Editor in our Image element has been upgraded. New features include frames and stickers, plus improvements to various existing tools.

  • Fix - Analytics reports for Answers and Responses were slow/not loading for large data sets (>50,000 items). That's all fixed!

  • Fix - The 'Allow Recertification' and 'Prevent Certification' bulk actions have returned to the Enrolments page for topics, articles and pathways.

26 October 2022 (Release 6413)

  • Tweak - Analytics pages are now starting to show some summary stats (we'll continue to work on this over the Summer - this is just a quick starting point).

  • Fix - You can now 'right click to open in new tab' the URLs in Analytics reports.

  • Fix - The CSV download for the People report now has correctly named columns to improve auto-matching with the Upload People process.

  • Fix - The Logins column in the People report is now sortable and accurately counting logins.

22 October 2022 (Release 6389)

  • FEATURE - Admin Refresh Part 2.1 - New External Knowledge page. This is the last page with the older filtering in the Admin area - now looking all shiny and new.

  • Tweak - Lots of little styling updates to various analytics pages, further harmonising the layouts and features. We also added a 'Reset' button to each reporting page to reset all filters at once.

  • Fix - Some saved searches in admin which involved 'string' filters (e.g. Show all quiz questions containing the following 'string/phrase') were not saving correctly. Fixed!

  • Fix - Certain types of insights in imported Library topics were showing correctly in journals when favourites by a learner, but incorrectly in downloaded or emailed journals. That's resolved.

19 October 2022 (Release 6374)

  • FEATURE - Admin Refresh Part 2 - New People page. One of the last major pages to be updated, the Admin/People page is now in the new branding and filtering style. Just one more page to go (External Knowledge).

  • FEATURE - Better People page! While we were there, we upgraded the page with a few new features. You can now filter easily for people who have not logged in. There are also new bulk actions for bulk deactivate or bulk reactivate.

  • FEATURE - Upgraded catalogue/enrolment rules. With the move to the new People page filtering, this also means you can create better catalogue/enrolment rules using all the new filtering options on this page. In particular, you can now create rules with 'negative' search options. For example: Division equals Sales and Location does not equal Sydney. This gives you even more flexibility to create rules for the catalogue, enrolment (run rule) or automations.

13 October 2022 (Release 6359)

  • Fix - Enrolments reports were not downloading correctly - resolved!

  • Fix - Topics or articles containing events that require registration by learners are now showing correctly in the catalogue.

  • Fix - Assessable items (tasks, Q&A, uploads) were not showing the correct assessor result when there was a previous enrolment (retake) in the same topic or article with the same assessable item which had a different assessment result. Yep, that was a tricky one!

11 October 2022 (Release 6354)

  • FEATURE - Admin Refresh Part 1. Here we go! The Admin area is getting a large upgrade and this is the start. We are updating the styling to a more modern and consistent look and feel. This includes larger and more consistent fonts, more consistent reports, improved layouts and more. Better on the eyes and better for your tasks. We aren’t finished yet either – there are still a few pages to be replaced/updated over the next few weeks!

  • FEATURE - New topic, article and knowledge reports. As part of the Admin Refresh, we are replacing all reporting pages with a consistent reporting layout from our Analytics area. The first pages to change are the Enrolments (was called Explorers), Answer and Responses tabs for topics, articles and pathways. Lots more new reports coming over the next two weeks. BONUS! Admins can now save favourite searches for each topic, article or pathway – not just in Analytics reports, but now for reports in each item of knowledge.

  • FEATURE - Analytics reports now include URLs. As part of the Admin Refresh, our Analytics reports are now starting to include URLs to link those reports to users, enrolments and knowledge. URLs are not visible to Reporting Admins (who cannot view anything other than Analytics). We will be adding more URLs to more reports over the next two weeks.

  • Tweak – Various Analytics reports have been updated with some new filters and columns.

  • Fix – Team leaders were unable to bulk select team members for enrolment on the Teams page. Now they can!

  • Fix – In certain circumstances, a retake enrolment could inadvertently trigger an immediate completion in the new enrolment. We’ve put a firm stop to that scenario.
    Fix – For some assessable items, assessors were unable to verify a task. It was actually verifying, but the UI was not correctly showing the change in status. This has been fixed.

28 September 2022 (Release 6267)

  • FEATURE - Users can now send an email message for help to Primary Admin. We have added a new feature to the learner dashboard - a help link in the dashboard footer and the dashboard menu icon. This help link allows learners to write a help message which will be emailed to the Primary Admin email address of the portal (as well as cc'ed to them). This feature should allow for easier comms between learners and the admin team.

  • FEATURE - New All People analytics report. This analytics report is the last piece of the puzzle for the upcoming admin upgrade. This report allows for detailed filtering of your people (plus better saved searches).

  • TWEAK - Old Enrolments, Usage and Logins pages in Admin/People have been removed. These pages are now all replaced with the improved Analytics reports.

  • FIX - Search bar on History page of user profiles in admin wasn't working. It is now!

  • FIX - If a custom field name was the same as an internal database field (e.g. Title), this was causing UI issues in Analytics reports. This has been resolved.

20 September 2022 (Release 6247)

  • FEATURE - Seven new layouts for Polls! The Poll element has had a substantial upgrade with seven new layouts to give more variety to your polls. All layouts can still show aggregated poll results after voting and are optimised for mobile responsiveness (portrait module view usually defaults to one column of choices). Each layout suits different types of polls and different lengths of choices. Enjoy!

    • One Column - The default and existing layout of one column of checkboxes.

    • Two Columns - Two columns of checkboxes.

    • Dropdown - Select poll response from a dropdown menu.

    • Buttons - There are five layouts for buttons - 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 buttons. Each layout refers to how many buttons are shown in a row (so 5 means 5 buttons per row). Buttons definitely work best with very short choices (1-3 words per choice).

  • TWEAK - Continuing Education points support decimals. We realised that our point tracking for Continuing Education (CLE/CPD) did not support decimals! Why would we have done that? It's a mystery, but its fixed now, so feel free to add all your 0.25 or 1.50 point settings!

  • TWEAK - Content Conversion option for New Knowledge. The New Knowledge process in the Admin area has a new Content Conversion option to make it easier for organisations to request content conversion services from our team.

  • TWEAK - Suggest a library topic. If you can't find what you are seeking in our library, there is a new link to suggest a new topic for the library. As our library approaches 250 topics, we are certainly seeking out inspiration for new ideas.

  • FIX - We accidentally broke the New Person page as part of the work on the Timelines report. Fixed!

7 September 2022 (Release 6206)

  • TWEAK - We have made some small styling and UI updates to the journal for explorers.

  • FIX - SCORM modules set to 'open on the same page' were not correctly establishing new enrolments for new learners. This has been fixed!

2 September 2022 (Release 6186)

  • FIX - 'Last Login' date inconsistencies in Admin area have been fixed. Some instances of 'last login' were showing the 'previous login' instead of the most recent login.

  • FIX - Zapier API was utilising case sensitive user name field for enrolment actions - this has now been made case insensitive.

  • FIX - 'Run Rule' popup was not correctly showing the summary of the rule it was going to run - fixed!

  • FIX - When uploading completed training enrolments via CSV which also had backdated completed dates and the topic, article or pathway had a certified date setting applied, the certified date was not being calculated correctly. Yes, that was as confusing as it sounds to figure out! It's fixed now though!

29 August 2022 (Release 6165)

  • NEW - Double confirmation to delete people, topics/articles and pathways. There is always a balance in creating a user interface that is fast and responsive, but also ensures actions taken are deliberate. Based on customer feedback, we have therefore decided to 'slow down' the ability for Admins to delete people, topics/articles and pathways. When an Admin now goes to delete a person, topic, article or pathway, they will need to complete a 'double confirmation' which will include typing in a phrase to confirm the deletion.

19 August 2022 (Release 6156)

  • NEW - Admins can now leave notes for pathway progress. Previously, Admins had been able to leave notes for topic/article progress for a learner. This has now been expanded to allow for notes on Pathway enrolments too...

  • NEW - Admins can now leave notes for user profiles. ...and Admins can now also leave general notes on a new Notes tab on user profiles. These functions make it easier for admins to track changes to enrolments, performance information or other user data.

15 August 2022 (Release 6144)

  • NEW - Image element has updated caption options. The image element has been given a spruce up for creators. It now has new options for overlay captions and 'cover' layout. There are light, dark and transparent backgrounds for your overlay captions with plenty of options to display captions in a whole new way. We also took this opportunity to fine-tune images and captions on mobile, and in particular improving mobile captions.

  • FIX - New Team page was showing all custom fields instead of just user profile fields! Fixed!

  • TWEAK - Interact/Process layout has some slight styling tweaks.

28 July 2022 (Release 6081)

  • NEW - 'Document' is a new type of external knowledge. We have added a fifth type of external knowledge called Document. This is a more generic, but very useful, type of external knowledge that can be used to simply record or attach documents to a user's profile. There is a 'Type' field to help categorise different types of documents. While this knowledge type already appears in reports in Admin, we are already planning some additional reporting around external knowledge in a few months which will further enhance this new 'Document' type.

  • NEW - Team leaders can now record external knowledge for their team members. We have updated team leader permissions to allow them to add external knowledge to their team member's profiles. This is particularly handy with the new Document type, allowing team leaders to store documents directly for their team members. We also updated general user permissions to prevent users from being able to delete or edit external knowledge created by an admin or their team leader.

  • NEW - Team leaders see a better Team page! More updates to the Team page with a new tab navigation function, making it easier for team leaders to view the various reports made available to them (especially big teams). This layout also sets the scene for further enhancements planned for team leaders later this year.

  • NEW - Automated user deactivation!! Users now have a new field called Deactivate Date. This field can be set as a future date by Admins (directly or via upload people) or via the Public API or Zapier API. The platform will monitor each user and automatically deactivate them on the specified date. Admins can filter for upcoming deactivations on the People page in Admin. There is no notification about automated deactivations at this time - we will add notification options (to alert users to upcoming automated deactivation) in early 2023.

  • TWEAK - The All Enrolments report now has a column to show Pathway completion per cents.

  • TWEAK - We fine-tuned the recent Instructor Admin access level by restricting a few additional links/buttons.

  • FIX - Some automated enrolments rules were not triggering. This is now resolved and all automated rules are once again working.

  • FIX - Assessor filtering was not working for custom fields. This is now resolved.

  • FIX - The Assessment page in a topic could be accessed by typing in the URL and bypassing completion of the points in a topic. This is now locked down.

13 July 2022 (Release 6028)

  • NEW - Creators can force explorers to watch an entire video. The video element has another new feature which creators can enable to force an explorer to watch an entire video. If enabled, the explorer must watch the entire video. While the explorer can still skip ahead, they will need to rewind to watch skipped sections. Explorers see a per cent watched notification under videos with this option enabled.

  • NEW - Various updates to SCORM element. Quite a few little updates to the SCORM element. Some of these changes may require you to resave your SCORM element (to trigger updated settings) and then publish a new update of your topic/article.

    • When SCORM modules open in a new window, the window will now be full screen.

    • There is a new option to force the SCORM module to open in the existing tab/window (instead of a new window).

    • Whether in new window or existing window, we have added a 'Return to LMS' button above your SCORM module.

  • NEW - There is a new Instructor Admin access level. We have added a new access level for Admins called Instructor Admin. It sits above Reporting Admin and below Knowledge Admin. Instructor Admins can essentially 'manage enrolments'. They can see knowledge and users and manage enrolments and reporting, but cannot edit knowledge or change any knowledge settings (or create or delete knowledge) or edit users in any way.

  • NEW - More updates to the Team page. The team page now has more robust filtering and allows managers to download a CSV of their team's training history. There are more changes coming to this page soon.

  • FIX - Setting a retake enrolment on an individual topic or article in a pathway was not causing the pathway status to update. This is now fixed and working as intended.

  • FIX - Unenrolling an explorer from one of two pathways containing (some of) the same topics or articles was also unenrolling the explorer from any topics or articles in pre-enrolled status (removing them from the second pathway). This is now fixed and wont occur.

26 June 2022 (Release 5998)

  • NEW - Creators can replace videos and add thumbnails. Creators now see an updated video element, which allows them to replace an existing video. Creators can now also replace their video thumbnails directly (including using the image library and image editor, which now includes a video thumbnail (landscape) crop ratio). A few other little changes to video element to follow too.

  • NEW - More updates to the Team page. The team page now shows team leaders information about pathways and external knowledge, along with additional filters for expired knowledge.

  • TWEAK - The Overview module in topics has been updated to change an FAQ about whether the topic has to be explored in order or not, depending on the new setting to 'enforce the order of points in a topic'.

  • FIX - Removed an erroneous column in the Skills Attained analytics report.

22 June 2022 (Release 5980)

  • NEW - Creators can enforce the order of points in a topic. Traditionally, explorers have been able to complete points in a topic in any order. Even though our data shows that 95% of explorers complete the points in the given order, this freedom to explore 'as I want' benefits the other 5% of adult learners. That being said, we have just launched a new feature to force / lock the completion of points in a topic into the given order. You'll find it when editing a topic and on Settings / Manage navigation tab - there's a toggle at the top to force / lock the order. The need for this setting became more relevant with the release of our various assessable items over the last 12 months. It now allows you to lock away entire parts until certain items are completed and/or assessed.

  • NEW - Explorers see alerts for pending or failed assessable items. We have updated the main topic navigation page to now show alerts to explorers when a point in topic has a pending or failed assessable item. We have also added a notification to the main learner dashboard for any topic which contains a failed assessable item. Both changes make it easier for explorers to revisit any failed items or understand why their topic has not yet completed (due to pending assessments).

  • NEW - Updates to the Team page. We have also started a series of updates to the Team page for team leaders / managers. Please note these changes will be on-going for the next two weeks. The initial changes allow managers to see custom field information and complete training histories (with filters) rather than just overdue training. We will be adding more data (including external knowledge) and more filters over the next few days, as well as a CSV download for reports and some more functionality. Updates to user Profile pages will then follow too.

6 June 2022 (Release 5918)

  • TWEAK - Analytics Notification report now includes system invitation and password reset data. The new Notification report in Analytics will now also start tracking system invitation and password reset emails (which were previously not tracked in older notification reports). NB: Tracking of these notifications begins from today (historical data before today is not tracked).

  • TWEAK - Force explorer to watch the entire narration. In a similar update to the Download element, creators now have an option to require explorers to watch an entire narration before they can progress. The requirement prevents the explorer from 'skipping' through the narration until the entire narration has been watched. After the narration has been watched, the explorer can skip to time stamps or content as usual.

2 June 2022 (Release 5902)

  • NEW - Analytics reports now filter by role. All relevant analytics reports now have a new Role filter, to allow each report to be filtered by Role (from our Roles, Competencies and Skills feature). Just one more little update to come for Analytics in this round of changes.

  • TWEAK - Force explorer to download a file. The Download element has a new option for creators which, if selected, will require explorers to download the file in that element before they can proceed. This may be a useful option in certain compliance and policy modules where you want to be certain the explorer has downloaded the available files.

30 May 2022 (Release 5889)

  • NEW - Analytics upgrade 2! Five new analytics reports! Admins will find a greatly expanded Analytics area with five new analytics reports. There are new reports for tasks, uploads and events within topics and articles, matching similar existing reports for answers and responses. There is also a new report for External Knowledge, allowing for a more detailed analysis than the existing External Knowledge page (which will soon be replaced by a modified version of this new analytics report). There is also a new Notifications report, once again improving on an existing Notifications page. More analytics updates involving our Roles feature coming next!

26 May 2022 (Release 5882)

  • NEW - Creators see a new Timeline layout for the Interact element. Creators can now use a Timeline layout for Interact. It presents items in a vertical flow, revealing one item at a time, with alternating images/text on either side of a central line. It's a great way to present a series of key events or to explain steps in a process.

  • NEW - Creators see a new Process layout for the Interact element. More creator love! The new Process layout presents items in a carousel-style flow, with each item sliding onto and then off the page. This layout focuses learners on single pieces of content - perhaps steps in a process, telling a story or a series of ideas. Creators can easily switch between any of the Interact layouts to find the right layout for each idea.

  • TWEAK - Styling changes to the recent Acronym layout.

  • FIX - Close button was not appearing on the Resources tab when the Glossary was not also activated.

16 May 2022 (Release 5836)

  • NEW - Creators see a new Acronym layout for the Interact element. Creators have a new layout in the Interact element that allows them to spell out an Acronym (letter by letter), with each item representing one letter and its explanation and image. Acronym can also be used for numbers, to present a step by step process.

  • TWEAK - Added training minutes data to All Enrolments analytics report and History report for users.

  • FIX - Topic completion issue caused by an explorer completing a topic in multiple tabs.

9 May 2022 (Release 5796)

  • NEW - Admins can now save favourite Analytics searches. All Analytics reports now have a Saved Search feature. Admins can use the SAVE button to save the current search as a favourite search and then use the STAR button to recall their favourite searches. Saved Searches are unique to each Admin. As we expand Analytics out to replace all reporting pages in the Admin area, this saved search feature will be available on every page.

  • TWEAK - Improvements to Glossary and Resources. We slightly updated the UI for the recent Glossary and Resources features and also implemented a change so that Glossary and Resources do not show on any Assessment page.

  • TWEAK - System invitation email template update. We have updated the system invitation emails based on user feedback. The new templates ensure the first clickable hyperlink is the link to the portal (SSO) or to set an initial password (non-SSO), with all other links moved lower in the email.

  • TWEAK - iOS mobile users now see the Camera Roll option when uploading files in the Upload element (so can more easily upload videos and photos).

  • FIX - All Progress report was incorrectly showing all users as deactivated.

  • FIX - CSV Download on the Analytics tab in Topics/Articles was not working correctly.

  • FIX - CSV Download on the Platform Activity Analytics tab was not showing the correct dates.

4 May 2022 (Release 5764)

  • NEW - Creators can add a Resources tab to their topics and articles. This is a follow-up feature to the recent Glossary. The Resources tab works in a similar fashion and provides explorers with a list of key resources in your topic or article, which are available from a Resources tab at any time in the topic or article. Resources can be links (URLs) or files that you would like to have available to explorers at any time.

28 April 2022 (Release 5739)

  • TWEAK - Significant upgrade to three key platform frameworks. No visible changes for users, but we completed significant upgrades to three of our key frameworks behind the scenes to improve compatibility, security and performance across all aspects of the platform and on all devices. This has been a major piece of development work and will now free up development resources to return to new features!

19 April 2022 (Release 5714)

  • NEW - Creators can add a Glossary to their topics and articles. Creators can now add a list of common terms and definitions (a Glossary) to their topics and articles, for explorers to review at any point in a similar way to viewing their journal. A matching Resources feature (to share links and files at any point in a topic or article) is coming next.

  • NEW - Analytics upgrade 1. The upgrade to Analytics is now well underway. First up, we have upgrades to every existing Analytics report to improve and expand on filtering, including the following. Lots more to come over the next few weeks.

    • New filters for Activated/Deactivated people

    • New filter options for People (does not contain, equals and does not equal)

    • Adding filters for manager and mentor emails

    • Adding filters for user names

    • Adding more columns for All Enrolments (Type, Activated)

    • Search bar for topics, articles and pathways filter

    • Completely new date selector allowing for custom date ranges in many filters

    • Adding assessment results to All Responses

    • Adding new Total People graph to Platform Activity

  • TWEAK - All connections are now enforced as TLS 1.2.

4 April 2022 (Release 5668)

  • TWEAK - PDF of a person's progress in a topic or article now includes all tasks, events and uploads.

  • FIX - Draft answers in an assessable Q&A no longer show 'An assessor will grade your response.'

  • FIX - When setting the Next Enrolment on a topic, refreshing the screen will no longer clear the setting.

31 March 2022 (Release 5661)

  • TWEAK - Viewing a person's progress in a topic or article in the Admin area now shows detailed reporting for tasks, events and uploads, plus improved reporting for Q&A, including all assessable information. Note: The PDF Progress function does not reflect these changes yet - that's coming next!

  • TWEAK - Match element now has an option to ask explorer to 'Retry match if incorrect'.

  • FIX - Automated enrolment rules panel now has links to support articles.

30 March 2022 (Release 5652)

  • NEW - Automated enrolment rules. Admins can now use enrolment rules to create 'automated enrolment rules' (as well as catalogue rules for self-enrolment). Automated enrolment rules check every two hours for new explorers to enrol into selected topics, articles and pathways. Perfect for automating initial training requirements for new explorers (based on job roles, locations or other custom fields). WARNING - Use this feature with care and ensure your rules are correct.

  • NEW - New Divider element. A fun new element for creators, the Divider element allows creators to create a variety of colourful sub-headings, including using icons and emojis. Smaller than a Section, Dividers can help group content or draw attention to key information. There is also a 'spacer' layout, allowing creators to insert 'blank space' between elements.

  • TWEAK - PDF element now allows explorers to optionally download the PDF.

  • TWEAK - Insight element has a new 'Important' label.

  • TWEAK - Match element now has correct/incorrect feedback options. 'Retry match if incorrect' is coming next.

  • TWEAK - Reflect element now defaults to one question.

  • TWEAK - Custom fields can now be up to 40 characters long.

  • FIX - Resolved an issue on the History tab for people in the Admin area where completed/conquered knowledge was not correctly filtering.

14 March 2022 (Release 5611)

  • NEW - New PDF element for creators. Creators can now display a PDF for explorers to view (zoom, search, print) - slides, documents, complex images, flow charts and more are all possible through the new PDF element.

1 March 2022 (Release 5600)

  • TWEAK - Updated Pathway CSV download of explorers to include first name, last name, username and email (to make it easier to download/upload changes).

28 February 2022 (Release 5594)

  • NEW - Admin Access levels. Organisations can now set a range of different Admin Access levels, to better control access for different types of users.

  • FIX - Resolved an issue impacting some users who were unable to review the assessment results page.

22 February 2022 (Release 5586)

  • FIX - Resolved an issue that prevented explorers from adding skills to their External Knowledge records.

21 February 2022 (Release 5585)

  • TWEAK - Updates to Pathway calculations. We have observed that when new mandatory training was added to an existing Pathway, while the Pathway completion per cent was correctly updating, the Pathway progress (exploring / conquered) and conquered/certified dates were not always updating. We have resolved this issue such that if new mandatory training is added to a Pathway and an explorer would no longer be at 100% completion for the pathway, then their previous conquered/certified dates will be removed and the progress correctly set back to Exploring. In addition, any attained skills at a Pathway level will also be removed (to be re-attained once the Pathway is once again at 100% complete).

18 February 2022 (Release 5582)

  • NEW - New 'Buy' option for training Catalogue. We have updated the self-enrolment rules panel (Access panel) to make it easier to read, as well as adding the option to switch between 'Enrol' and 'Buy' buttons for each rule in the catalogue. The 'Buy' button can link to an external URL (typically your e-commerce page for that topic, article or pathway).

  • TWEAK - Recalculate link for pathway enrolments. When admins are viewing the progress of an explorer in a pathway, they see a new Recalculate link. This link can force the recalculation of the pathway - its status, per cent and topic/article links - in the event the calculations appear incorrect.

  • FIX - An issue causing a retake enrolment when moving an optional topic/article in a Pathway to mandatory has been resolved.

  • FIX - An issue showing Pathway Certificates has been resolved.

  • FIX - Topic and article lengths are now correctly shown on Pathway certificates.

11 February 2022 (Release 5576)

  • TWEAK - Revised Upload People process. The Upload People process has been upgraded with several new features:

    • Revised 5 step process (was 4 steps) with new support articles.

    • New UNENROL code. Topics, articles and pathways have a new -UNENROL code which allows for bulk unenrolments via CSV upload.

    • Revised UPDATE code now supports skill attainment. The UPDATE code can now be used to assign skills to previously conquered enrolments (back-dating skill acquisition).

    • Invitations for new and existing users. The new step 5 in the upload process now supports sending invitation emails to both new and existing users, making it easy to 'pre-load' users and then send invitations in bulk at a later date.

10 February 2022 (Release 5572)

  • FIX - Resolved an issue with training length shown on certificates for certain topics and articles.

9 February 2022 (Release 5571)

  • NEW - New 'Creator' role. Yes - it's here! Admins can now designate a user with a new 'Creator' role. This role allows that person to see the CREATE button on the explorer dashboard (regardless of whether the option for staff to create training is enabled).

  • TWEAK - The Upload People function now allows setting of 'Force password reset' and 'User notifications'. The CSV download of all People now also includes this information.

  • TWEAK - We fine-tuned CSV downloads of explorers in a topic or article (now including first name, last name and user name) and All Enrolment Analytics (now including Active and Visibility).

6 February 2022 (Release 5564)

  • TWEAK - Skills can be hidden from the explorer dashboard. We added a new option to hide skills from the explorer dashboard (similar to the option for Categories). Admins can edit skills to hide/show as required.

  • TWEAK - We have reorganised some of the Account pages. Ahead of the upcoming Admin Access Levels feature, we have relocated some Account features onto new pages. Branding is now on its own tab while API keys (Public and Zapier) are now on a new Integrations tab. The setting for Continuing Education periods is now found on the Categories tab (give Categories are also used for Continuing Education features).

4 February 2022 (Release 5559)

  • FIX - Resolved an issue where existing categories could only be 20 characters long (even when new categories could be 30 characters long).

  • FIX - Certificates for LMS users are now showing correctly.

  • TWEAK - Removed image height scaling. Images were being scaled to fit available screen height. We have removed this limitation, allowing long images (e.g. flow charts) to be shown without height scaling and generally look better!

3 February 2022 (Release 5556)

  • NEW - Force password reset on next log in. When viewing people in the Admin area, admins now see an option to 'Force password reset' on the next log in. This feature allows admins to set generic or temporary passwords for users and have the user set a secure password on their next log in. The feature is enabled manually for now, but we will be adding it to the Upload People function in the next few weeks. This feature does not apply to SSO or LMS users.

  • NEW - Disable notifications for individual users. Admins also see another option to disable notifications for individual users. This option will cease all knowledge related notifications - enrolments, reminders, completions - to that user. System notifications - invitations, password resets, journals - are not impacted. This feature is enabled manually for now, but will be added to Upload People in the next few weeks.

  • TWEAK - Major update to our text editor. This upgrade takes our text editor (used by creators in a wide range of fields) to the latest current version. There are no major changes (for now) but this upgrade does resolve a number of issues with tables in our text editor.

  • FIX - Resolved issue with mixed cased manager emails and the Teams page.

30 January 2022 (Release 5551)

  • NEW - Assign custom field visibility to assessors. We have redesigned the custom field editor in the Admin area. Admins can now assign custom fields to be visible to assessors when reviewing explorers in a topic or article.

  • NEW - Assessors can filter by custom field. Assessors can now see and filter explorer contributions by custom fields. Assessors see custom field data for each submission in assessment tables and use a new popup to filter contributions by custom field data (NB: At least 1 custom field must be enabled for assessor visibility).

  • TWEAK - Assessor filtering is significantly faster. We have completely redesigned the processes used to display and filter explorer contributions for assessors. Explorer contributions load much faster and now paginate into groups of 50.

  • FIX - Resolved issue with assigning a creator on the New Topic or New Article page.

20 January 2022 (Release 5538)

  • FIX - Resolved issue with 'Set to complete' for SCORM element.

  • TWEAK - Final improvements to Zapier integration ahead of Zapier review!

19 January 2022 (Release 5534)

  • NEW - Added new filtering options for Assessors. Assessors can now filter assessable items by status and grade. Also clarified the version number (if any) from which Assessors are currently viewing assessable items.

  • TWEAK - Various improvements to Zapier integration.

17 January 2022 (Release 5532)

  • FIX - Resolved issue with incorrect links in certain email notifications.

15 January 2022 (Release 5530)

  • FIX - Resolved issue with individual enrolments by admins.

14 January 2022 (Release 5525)

  • NEW - Rebuilt Run Rule process. The Run Rule feature allows admins to instantly enrol users matching a self-enrolment rule into a topic, article or pathway. We have revised this process with an improved interface (scoping the rule before it is run, plus on-going feedback on the enrolment progress) and with a 'sequential' run sequence (which prevents multiple rules from running at the same time). In combination, it's a far more robust experience for large rules.

  • TWEAK - Correctly show 'Active users only' on Admin/People/Users. We have made a small change to the Admin/People/Users table. The page now defaults to a filtered view of 'Active' = 'Yes', so that admins will see only active people by default. In doing this, we have rectified the 'Active' = 'Any' option so that admins can once again filter for active and inactive users at the same time.

9 January 2022 (Release 5515)

  • TWEAK - Mobile styling updates. Various changes to styling and layouts on mobile devices, particularly small devices in portrait mode.

    • Margins are reduced and logos are hidden to increase screen size for text.

    • Improvements to image scaling in interact layouts.

    • Fixed for recent assessor interactions for events, tasks, uploads and Q&A.

    • Improvement to the styling of topic navigation page.

  • TWEAK - Significant upgrade to a key platform framework. No visible changes for users, but we completed a significant upgrade of one of our key frameworks behind the scenes to improve compatibility, security and performance across all aspects of the platform and on all devices.

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