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Can I upload or import external training modules (SCORM, xAPI) into Tribal Habits?
Can I upload or import external training modules (SCORM, xAPI) into Tribal Habits?

You can use external online training content in SCORM, xAPI, cmi5 or AICC format within your Tribal Habits topics using our SCORM element.

David King avatar
Written by David King
Updated over 4 months ago

Creators can use the SCORM element to add existing or external training modules into Tribal Habits.

Important! The SCORM element is an optional feature in Tribal Habits and there may be an additional cost to your subscription for this integration to be enabled.

Contact support if you'd like to arrange for the SCORM element (SCORM import feature) to be enabled.

This article explains how to import your existing SCORM modules into a Tribal Habits topic or article using the SCORM element. If you wish to export or share your Tribal Habits topics with an external platform via SCORM, please refer to the support article on using our SCORM Links feature.

Note: To assist with adding external training modules (such as SCORM) to Tribal Habits, we have created an article template (which can be found in the Templates library at Admin → Knowledge → Templates when you search for 'SCORM'). We also have a dedicated support article on how to set up an article for SCORM content. Click here for more information.

Steps to add a SCORM element to a course

If the SCORM element is enabled for your portal, creators will see the SCORM element in the Content box when editing any topic or article.

To add the SCORM element to your topic or article:

  1. Click on the '+ Content' button in your course to open the Content box. Then select the 'SCORM' option.

  2. Click on the SCORM element to edit it, then click to select and upload the SCORM file from your computer.

  3. Wait for the file to upload. When you upload a SCORM file, it is uploaded to our servers for processing. This process may take a few minutes to complete.

  4. Provide a label for use in reporting. This label is for administration and reporting purposes only. It is not visible to explorers, but is used in reporting to differentiate between multiple SCORM files which may be used within one topic or article.

  5. Manage the settings, as needed.

  6. Click Save.

Note: Contact Tribal Habits support if the SCORM option is not available within your Content box and you would like to have this feature enabled. Please note, additional costs may apply.

Settings and options

A number of optional settings are available for the SCORM element which can help optimise the experience for certain types of external eLearning modules.

Review the options below carefully before enabling.

  • Set this entire knowledge to complete once this SCORM element is complete.
    If selected, then when the explorer completes the SCORM file, the entire topic or article will immediately be set to complete (regardless of any other remaining interactions in the topic or article). This option is useful when the only interaction in your topic or article is a SCORM element - it can assist with completion rates for learners who do not otherwise return to your topic or article after completing the SCORM and click the 'Complete this topic' button.

  • Set this SCORM element to complete as soon as it is launched.
    If selected, then when the explorer launches the SCORM file, the SCORM file will immediately be set to complete. This option is useful when your SCORM file does not send the 'complete' status via the SCORM API back to Tribal Habits.

  • Force SCORM to open in the same window.
    By default, we open your SCORM modules in a new window and then return your learner back to Tribal Habits when they close that window. This is the method recommended by SCORM Cloud as it provides the 'cleanest' experience for the learner and allows the SCORM module to open full screen. If you select this option, we will instead open your SCORM module in the same window as the Tribal Habits topic. Your SCORM module will still take-over/replace content on the screen, but in the same window/tab of your browser. This can sometimes be a better result, but it will limit the SCORM to open in the size of the current window/tab. In this case, it can be useful to ensure your SCORM file has a 'Return to LMS' feature. We will add a 'Return to LMS' button above your SCORM file automatically, but including this button within the SCORM module can be useful.

  • Disable IP address validation for explorers.
    This setting can be ignored for almost all use cases. We integrate with SCORM Cloud, which validates the IP address for each explorer when they launch a SCORM module. For 99.9% of organisations, this will happen naturally and invisibly. However, if your organisation is utilising some form of secure VPN feature, to hide or mask the IP addresses of your users, this can create a problem with SCORM Cloud. Checking this option will disable the IP address validation process at SCORM Cloud and resolve this issue in that scenario. Ideally, please contact our support team to verify this issue before using this solution (you will typically find your users see a 403 Forbidden message when trying to launch a SCORM from behind a VPN, indicating that this is potentially a problem).


Expand the commonly asked questions below for details.

What external eLearning file formats are supported by the SCORM element in Tribal Habits?

Supported formats include SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004, xAPI, cmi5 and AICC (please contact us if you need support for an additional elearning format).

What are the best practices for using SCORM files in Tribal Habits?

We generally only recommend utilising SCORM for complex eLearning involving branching scenarios or simulations.

With this in mind, start by ensuring your choice of SCORM is warranted. Tribal Habits has a native eLearning authoring tool that is as powerful as most stand-alone authoring tools. Native Tribal Habits modules are:

  • Faster to create

  • Far easier and faster to update

  • Have better version control

  • Are faster to load and navigate for learners

  • Can provide social learning (shared answers and polls for example)

  • Track far more data

If you do decide to use SCORM, we recommend carefully considering the settings as your choices can greatly optimise the experience for certain types of external eLearning modules.

How does the SCORM element work for explorers?

After the SCORM element is saved, creators can preview how it will look for explorers.

The element presents to explorers as a 'playable' experience.

  • Explorers click on the 'Click to launch module' button to begin.

  • This opens the SCORM file (in a new window by default, or in the same tab/window if that option is selected) and allows the explorer to complete whatever interactions and content are within that module.

  • When the explorer has finished or closes that window, they are returned to their Tribal Habits topic or article.

  • Explorers also see a 'Return to LMS' button above your SCORM module (in both new window and same tab/window displays).

After closing the SCORM module, the explorer will return to your Tribal Habits topic or article.

  • If the explorer successfully completed the SCORM module, the SCORM element in the Tribal Habits topic or article will be sent to 'Complete' and the explorer will be able to progress (or revisit the SCORM module).

  • If the module has not set to complete for some reason, the explore can click the 'Click to refresh / check status' link to sync their completion status again.

If you have selected the option to 'Set this entire knowledge to complete once this SCORM element is complete.' then successfully completing the SCORM module will also complete the topic or article.

Note that the explorer will not be able to proceed to the next section in your topic or article until the SCORM module is in the 'Complete' mode. SCORM modules are not optional at this time.

What reporting and settings are available for the SCORM element?

Generally, the SCORM element is treated just like any other element in Tribal Habits. Since the SCORM element is contained within a topic or article, you can utilise all the usual features of a topic or article:

  • Enrolment, reminder and completion email notifications

  • Due dates, certified dates and re-certification processes

  • All possible enrolment options, including spreadsheet uploads, manager enrolments and secure URL enrolment links

We do not track individual interactions within a SCORM module itself, since the SCORM (and similar) formats cannot pass such information out to external platforms without significant customisation for each module.

Admins can review a dedicated SCORM tab within any topic or article which has a SCORM module in order to confirm completion of individual SCORM modules (or override or reset SCORM registrations as needed).

Why do organisations use the SCORM element?

In reality, most organisations do not need the SCORM element enabled. If they are creating their content natively within Tribal Habits, they do not need any SCORM element.

The SCORM element is typically used for two situations.

  • The organisation has existing online training content in SCORM format which it needs to host in Tribal Habits. This may be temporary, before it is recreated as a native Tribal Habits experience, or permanently, for complex online learning interactions.

  • The organisation needs to hose training created by a third party, where it does not have permission to recreate that content itself. This is typically specialist content purchased by the organisation.

In both cases, the SCORM element allows the organisation to either host the SCORM module as a single experience (i.e. create an article that just has a single SCORM element in it) or to combine native Tribal Habits features with a SCORM element (such as online assessments, offline activities or additional training content).

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