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Creation - Elements
How to use each of the content elements to build training modules in Tribal Habits.
What happens when you delete an element or part from a topic?
Deprecation information: Old Event Element
How can I add quotes, sayings or key messages to topics?
What’s the divider element and how can I use it in my topics?
What is the Columns element?
How can I add text to my training content?
How do I create tabs, lists, buttons, timelines, cards, flipcards, acronyms, or accordions of content?
How can I create tables (of text, numbers or data)?
What are my options to format text content?
What are 'insights' elements used for?
How do I add new sections or sub-headings?
Can I embed content (like Youtube, Slide Share, Googlemaps) into a topic?
How can I display a PDF for learners (or slides or a document)
How can I add an audio file, or record my voice or have automatic dictation?
How do I add a labelled graphic or use the hotspot element?
What is the narration content element used for?
How do I add videos to a topic or article?
How do I provide a file or template for explorers to download?
How do I upload or import images to a topic?
What is the Slideshow element used for?
What is the Task element?
How can I embed H5P content in Tribal Habits?
What is the Button element?
What is the Sort element?
How can explorers upload documents or files for review or assessment?
What is the Fill-In element?
How can I use the Reflect element for social learning?
How can I create a match or ranking interaction or quiz?
What is the Q&A element used for?
How do I add a poll or survey?
How do I create a quiz or use images in a quiz?
Creating a topic for externally created online training (SCORM)
How can I use the Scenario element to create role plays or interactive scenarios?