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What is the Sort element?

The Sort element allows you to quiz learners' in their ability to accurately group items into categories.

Lou Monsour avatar
Written by Lou Monsour
Updated this week

The Sort element allows content creators to configure 'sorting' quizzes. You can create up to four categories with multiple items belonging to each.

Expand the sections below to learn more.

Steps to add a sorting activity to a course

Add the element to your topic by selecting the 'Sort' option from the Content box, then follow these steps:

  1. Add instructions for your Sort quiz.

  2. Create labels (up to 30 characters in length) for up to four categories. To add a third and/or fourth category, click the + Category button.

  3. Populate each category with associated items. Items should be a single word or short sentence.

  4. Optionally provide feedback to be displayed once the learner completes the Sort quiz. This same feedback will be shown regardless of whether the learner is successful or not.

  5. Optionally provide a pass mark. If your pass mark is greater than zero, learners will be required to attempt the Sort quiz again until they achieve the set pass mark.

  6. Click Save.

Video demonstration

In the following video, we show you how to use the Sort element in a topic. Please note, certain aspects of the UI may have changed since the video was recorded.

How sorting activities work for explorers

When learners encounter this element within a topic, they're required to sort various items, presented at random, into their appropriate categories.

To select a category for the currently presented item, they click the category. To move onto the next item, they click the 'Correct!' or 'Incorrect' button prompting them to move onto the next item.

If a learner doesn't achieve the minimum pass mark, they'll need to retry the sorting quiz.


There's many ways you could use the Sort quiz element in your topics to reinforce knowledge, confirm information has been absorbed, and so on. Many of these may be specific to your unique organisation and use of Tribal Habits.

However, below are a few examples which may provide a bit of inspiration or starting point for considering how to incorporate this element into your training.

Example - Do's and Don'ts

The Sort element can be an excellent way to reinforce content based on appropriate and inappropriate behaviours.

For example, if you have presented a list of do's and don'ts within your content, you could add a new section with a Sort element requiring learners to then sort a random selection of your do and don't statements.

Example - Yes, No, Maybe

Another potential framework is 'Yes / No / Maybe', which can be adapted to suit scenarios.

For example, 'Yes' might be for activities the learner can complete on their own or is authorised to do themselves; 'No' may mean the scenario cannot be dealt with by the learner; and 'Maybe' could indicate the learner must seek manager assistance.

Example - Binary sorting options

Other binary sorting options might include 'True / False', 'Myth / Fact', or things like 'Safe / Unsafe'.


Assessing sorting activities

Although you can set a minimum pass mark, this element is not assessible and cannot be used in the Assessment module of a topic.

This non-assessible element is used for reflection, calibration and to confirm learner understanding.

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