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How can I create a match or ranking interaction or quiz?
How can I create a match or ranking interaction or quiz?

The Match element allows you to create a quiz based on matching, sorting or ranking knowledge.

Lou Monsour avatar
Written by Lou Monsour
Updated over a month ago

The Match element allows you to create a quiz based on matching, sorting or ranking knowledge. You can add a Match element anywhere in your topic or article, as well as in topic Assessments, if they are enabled (just like a Quiz or Fill-In element).

Note: The Match element differs from the Sort element. Match activities require learners to correctly matching items together across two columns. The Sort element can have 2-4 categories and requires learners to group items into the categories.

Expand the following sections to learn more.

Steps to add a match activity to your course

Add the element to your topic or article by selecting the 'Match' option from the Content box, then follow these steps:

  1. Optionally provide a label for your match. The label is hidden to explorers and is used for reporting purposes. It also helps you differentiate between multiple matching activities within the same topic or article.

  2. Add a question or statement explaining how learners must match the items or select a template for your match activity (and update the text as needed). Template options include steps, definitions, scenarios, rank and myths.

  3. Optionally add an image to your match activity. Please note, only images added to your match activity using our image uploader support 'click-to-zoom' functionality. Images inserted directly into text do not zoom when clicked by learners.

  4. Optionally add audio by enabling 'Add audio to Item X'. The options are - upload an audio file (.mp3 or .wav file that is no larger the 100MB), record your own audio or automatic. For the automatic option, select your preferred AI character voiceover and add your text to the description box.

  5. Add up to six groups of items for learners to match.

    1. The first column of items represent the 'fixed' set. This set of items will always appear in the order you state. Use this column if your Match is about steps in a process for example (with items called 'Step One, Step Two' and so on.

    2. The second column of items represents the correct matched items. This set of items will appear in a random order for explorers. They will need to drag and drop these items to match the correct item to the items on the left.

  6. Optionally specify feedback which will be shown to explorers AFTER they complete the match activity. You can choose to use just one response or prepare differing responses depending on whether an explorer completes the match correctly or not.

  7. Manage your Match settings, as preferred.

  8. Click Save.

Note: There are a few limitations to the 'Match' element to manage the size of the activity for explorers:

  • You can only have six matching pairs of items.

  • Each item should be a maximum of about 15 words.

Explorers will see the Match element in a similar way to a Quiz or Fill-In element. They will need to drag and drop the matching items and then submit their selections. If they match the items incorrectly, they can view the correct matches (as the element rearranges into the correct order).

Video demonstration

We show you how to use the Match element in the following video. Please note, certain aspects of the UI have changed since the video was recorded.

Settings and options

Let's review some of the options for match elements.

Option - Templates

At the top of the Match element are a number of templates to inspire or accelerate your match creation. These include:

  • Steps (learners are required to put steps into the right order)

  • Definitions (learners are required to match terms and definitions)

  • Scenarios (learners are required to match scenarios with responses)

  • Rank (learners are required to put items into the correct rank or order)

  • Myths (learners are required to match myths with facts)

When you select a template, we populate the Match element with the structure for your content which you then edit as required.

Note: Selecting a template will overwrite any existing Match details (i.e. the question and items).

Option - Match settings

  • Explorers must retry if incorrect submission (and cannot progress until correct). - If you enable this option, then explorers will need to retry the quiz if they answer incorrectly. This option only works for matches used within a topic (not when a match is used in an Assessment - see below). When this option is enabled and the submission is incorrect:

    • Explorers will see an incorrect message and a 'Try again' button to reset the quiz.

    • Explorers will see the 'Incorrect Feedback' message, if that option has also been enabled. Otherwise, they will not see any feedback (to avoid giving away the answer).

  • Display this Match in this part, the assessment or both. (topics only) - If your topic has the assessment module enabled, you will see an extra option in your Match settings regarding where the Match should be displayed. Matches can be displayed:

    • In the topic at that point.

    • In the assessment module at the end of the topic.

    • In both locations (so it is asked as the explorer completes the topic and then again at the end during the assessment module). This option allows you to re-use important Matches to reinforce content in the topic and again in the assessment.

Option - Matches with images

You can also add an image to a Match element by checking the related option below your Match question/explanation. You can then upload an image or import an image from our library, which will be displayed between your match question/explanation and the answers.

Images can be edited, as required, using our Image Editor. When clicked by a learner, images zoom to show a larger version of the image. Please note, this does not apply to images inserted directly into text.

Option - Feedback

Optionally, you can specify the feedback you want to show explorers after they have selected their response(s). If specific feedback isn't provided, explorers will simply be advised whether their response is correct or not and thanked for answering.

You can also choose to show different feedback for incorrect responses by ticking the applicable option and specifying your feedback for correct and incorrect answers.


If you have an Assessment module enabled in a topic, you will have the option to use the Match element in it's location within your topic, only in the Assessment or in both locations.

When the Assessment module is enabled for a topic, you are required to create a minimum number of quizzes (which may include Match and Sort activities) which are toggled for display in the assessment.

If you're unsure, you can always ask Sage if your topic is ready to publish and you'll then find out if you have created enough quizzes.

You can create more quizzes than the minimum required for the assessment too. If you have extra quizzes, the platform treats them like a question pool and will draw random quizzes from the pool for each explorer.

Note: When you enable the assessment module, be sure to manage the settings for where to display each quiz accordingly (i.e. you can choose to include each quiz where you create it, in the assessment only, or in both).

Reporting and analytics

All responses are available in the reporting for the relevant topic or article, and when using the Answers report in Analytics.


Let's take a look at some examples of the Match element in action!

Example - Steps

Use the Match element to create a quiz on steps:

Example - Scenarios

Use the Match element for an interactive way of reinforcing the content through scenarios:

Example - Definitions

Use the Match element to require explorers to match the definition with the example:

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