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Deprecation information: Old Event Element
Deprecation information: Old Event Element

Learn about the new Event element released in July 2024 and how it replaces the old Event element.

David King avatar
Written by David King
Updated over a week ago

When editing a topic, creators can add an 'Event'. In July 2024, we replaced the existing Event element with a new Event element. This article discusses the changes and the impact on the existing/old Event element.

DEPRECATION WARNING: The Old Event element will be fully deprecated on 3st December 2024. On that date, you will no longer be able to edit, view or assess Old Events. It is recommended you migrate to the New Events element as soon as possible.

Old? New? What has changed exactly?

When editing a topic, creators will see an Event element among the content option. From late July 2024, that is the NEW Event element.

  • The New Event element allows for multiple sessions for each Event, allowing the same element to be reused over time to record multiple sessions (occurrences) of the same Event. This means you can reuse the same topic for the same Event on different occurrences.

  • The Old Event element only supported a single session for each Event. This meant that you needed to create a new topic each time there was a new occurrence of that Event.

Changing to a 'sessions-based' framework required an entirely new database structure and we were unable to migrate the Old Event element to that structure. As a result, we needed a New Event element, with a new database structure.

In making this change, we have deprecated the Old Event element. That means you cannot add the Old Event element to any topic any longer - clicking 'Event' will add the New Event element.

What happened to Old Event elements and their data?

Any existing Old Event elements remain visible for now. Creators can click on those Old Event elements to edit them, but will not be able to insert any more of that style.

Creators will see a DEPRECATION notice when editing the Old Event element (confirming you are in the old version).

We recommend that Creators insert a New Event element and create a 'duplicate' session of the Old Event date/time, register any users who attended the old event in that session and mark them as attended. You could then delete the Old Event element having migrated your records to the New Event element.

We recommend that Creators insert a New Event element and create a 'duplicate' session of the Old Event date/time, register any users who attended the old event in that session and mark them as attended. You could then delete the Old Event element having migrated your records to the New Event element.

Can I still mark people in the Old Event element as attended?

Yes. For now, Assessors can still access Old Events on the 'Assess old events' tab in a topic. This page will also have a deprecation warning and will be removed as per the date above.

What about in Admin? Can I still see Analytics on Old Events?

Yes. For now, Admins can still access Old Events on the 'Old Events' analytics report in the admin area. This page will also have a deprecation warning and will be removed as per the date above.

Ok - so we can still see/edit existing Old Events, but can only add New Events?

That's correct.

What's different about the New Events?

Many things!

  • Multiple sessions per Event

  • Capacity limits per session

  • Waitlist option for each session

  • Recurring sessions - daily, weekly or monthly

  • Event notifications (registration, waiting list, attendance and more)

The New Event element also removes the concept of 'passing' an event. In the Old Event element, attendees could attend/not attend, but also pass/fail. We have removed the pass/fail option. If your Event has an assessment you wish to record, then you can add a Task element next to your Event element - the Event records attendance and the Task records performance.

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