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What content can I add?

There are a range of possible content elements you can use to capture knowledge in your topics and articles.

Lou Monsour avatar
Written by Lou Monsour
Updated over 6 months ago

Your Tribal Habits portal allows you to create training content using a variety of different content elements to capture and present knowledge in an engaging manner. Details and descriptions of these various elements can be explored below.

Before looking into each of the different elements, it's worth knowing that Tribal Habits uses a 'building-block editor' to create content and share knowledge.

Let's start by reviewing how the building-block editor works before proceeding onto review the types of content you can create.

Expand the questions below for details.

How does the building-block editor work?

We use a 'building block' approach. Each element is a 'block' of content, complete with a template for you to fill in.

You can insert new elements at any point in your topic or article. Just hover your mouse in the main body of your point, or between any two existing elements, until the Content button appears. Click on that button to reveal all the possible elements you could insert. You can read an overview of each element below.

After you have inserted an element, it will appear in its 'placeholder' mode. Click on the element to edit it and then save your changes to activate that element.

Finally, after you insert elements, you can hover over any element to bring up the control icons for that element.

Using the control icons you can (in order from left to right):

  • Get help about that element from Sage.

  • Copy the element to another part of the topic or even another topic you are a creator of. The Copy To icon, allows you to copy content between topics and articles - you simply need to be the creator of both topics/articles.

  • Clone the element (creating a duplicate element in that position).

  • Move the element up or down.

  • Delete the element.

What content elements can be used to create training?

Our content editor currently has many elements as displayed in the screenshot below, with new elements and updates to elements being added regularly.

Many elements contain various templates or layouts, leading to over 50 different types of content!


  • Section – a designated break within the content allowing a large heading and triggering certain automatic formatting and interactions. Section elements control the 'Next up' buttons in a topic.

  • Text – a text field for paragraphs of rich text. Formatting options include bold, underline, italic, bullet lists, numbered lists and links. Great for traditional text paragraphs, bullet points and lists.

  • Columns – a two-column text field for paragraphs of rich text. Formatting options include bold, underline, italic, bullet lists, numbered lists and links. Great for comparisons, options, side-by-side analysis, and scenarios.


  • Divider - dividers are simple sub-headings. Dividers allow you to group information, highlight key information or break up content within your section.

  • Insight – a unique ‘quote/call-out’ field, allowing key points to be highlighted and labelled. All users can create insights, allowing anyone to add new contributions to a topic. Insights are ranked and moderated by all users, allowing the best insights to ‘rise to the top’.

  • Quote – create a quote, saying or key piece of knowledge, with optional author's name and image, and then select from five different layouts.


  • Image – upload an image in common formats. Images are automatically scaled to fit and there are a variety of caption options available.

  • Video – upload a video in common formats. Videos are automatically processed for playback in an appropriate size, quality and format.

  • Narration – create a fully narrated slideshow just by using text to create slides and write scripts for each slide to automatic voiceover (optionally add images or record or upload audio). A great way to rapidly create a 'video-like' experience, or prototype a future video you will record later.

  • Audio – upload an audio file (like a podcast), directly record your own voice or use our automatic voiceover option for playback by explorers.

  • Download – a file that can be downloaded by explorers. Useful for templates or example files.

  • PDF – display a PDF file for viewing by the explorer (with search, Zoom, full screen display and printing).


  • Interact – create up to 10 items of content (text plus images) and select from the following variety of interactive layout options:

    • Buttons

    • Accordion

    • Tabs

    • Flipcards

    • Acronymn

    • Timeline

    • Process

    • List (alphabetical, numbered or bullet points)


  • Hotspot – a labelled image, allowing you to link text to specific markers or buttons which you can locate anywhere on the image. Great for explaining screenshots or breaking up paragraphs of text.

  • Sort - create 2-4 categories and a range of randomly selected items for the explorer to correctly sort into their categories. Perfect for reinforcement of knowledge or calibration of ideas.

  • Poll – a survey field, allowing for a question and 1-10 responses. Can be used for reflection or comparison purposes, but also for scenarios. Poll answers can be copied to journals automatically.

  • Reflect – create 1-6 open questions to prompt explorers to give an answer. Explorers are asked one of the Reflect questions at random (if you only set one question, then it will just ask that question). After answering, explorers see the questions and answers from the ten most recent explorers to complete the Reflect element (to encourage social learning). The Reflect element can be made to be optional to learners via it's settings.

  • Button – add a customisable button to your training content which, when clicked, links your learners directly to a website location of your choice.


  • Embed – paste in an external URL or link to embed content directly into your topic (like YouTube videos or Google Maps). Embed also supports H5P content.

  • SCORM - upload an external elearning module, such as SCORM 2004, SCORM 1.2, xAPI/Tin Can or AICC formats.


  • Quiz – a graded poll, allowing for a question and 2-10 answers across six different layouts. There must be at least one correct answer. Quizzes can also be created for an Assessment module (if enabled in the topic).

  • Fill-In – create quizzes requiring learners to type in responses to questions rather than choose from options. The response provided must be an exact match to one of the 1-10 answers set by the topic/article creator. Fill-In can also be created for an Assessment (if enabled in the topic).

  • Match – a graded 'matching' quiz that requires explorers to drag and drop two columns of items into the correct set of matches. Matches can also be created for an Assessment (if enabled in the topic).


  • Q&A – ask an open answer question to explorers, optionally capture their answer into their journal, and then reveal a response. A great way to get explorers thinking and contributing about a topic, or to automate their answers into their journal for later use. Q&A can also be enabled for manual assessment.

  • Task – set a defined task for explorers to complete at any time within a topic or article. You can choose to have an assessor verify that the task was completed. Task can be used to set practical activities for explorers to complete. Task can also be enabled for manual assessment.

  • Upload – ask the explorer to upload a file for storage or review online. Could be to collect documents during induction, or files (videos, images, documents) for assessment. Upload can also be enabled for manual assessment.

  • Event – add instructor-led training (ILT) events into topics or articles. This may be as simple as managing registrations and attendance at a workshop or webinar, or as part of a blended-learning experience with both online and offline activities. Event can also be enabled for manual assessment.

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