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How can I manage specific topics?

Each topic has it's own admin area where you can view details, modify settings, run reports and perform other actions.

Kathleen McGahey avatar
Written by Kathleen McGahey
Updated over a week ago

When you select a specific topic in Admin β†’ Knowledge β†’ Topics, you will see specific tabs relating to certain aspects of your selected knowledge.

Overview tab

The Overview tab is the first tab you see after selecting a specific topic in the Knowledge area of your portal. The Overview tab presents you with a breakdown of key information for your topic.

  • Overview - the information that will be shown to learners on the overview of the topic. To learn more about editing this information, click here.

  • Progress - the number of learners enrolled, pre-enrolled, unexplored, exploring, applying and completed for the topic, along with a link to the relevant enrolment report. For more information about enrolment statuses, click here.

  • Settings - details of whether the topic contains an assessment, due date, certified date, certificate or recertification.

  • Enrolments and Completed graphs - a snapshot of the number of enrolments along with completion data over the past six months.

  • Versions - version/publishing history of the knowledge with links to previous versions (where applicable). Clicking on a link will take you into that version of the knowledge. For more information about version control and publishing, click here.

Note: For a breakdown of the other available tabs (which includes Reporting and Settings related tabs), expand the headings below. You can also navigate to relevant support articles to learn more about these items and how to use these tabs.

Reporting related tabs

The following are reporting tabs within a topic:

  • Analytics - this page will show you a report snapshot for the selected knowledge, allowing you to filter, save searches and download a report.

  • Enrolments - this tab allows you to filter, save searches and download reports of your learners enrolments against the selected knowledge and perform bulk actions.

  • Assessment (only topics) - this tab shows you all questions in your topic that will be used for assessments (if enabled).

  • Responses - where you have added responses to knowledge, this tab will show you written responses from all explorers captured. You can filter, save searches and download this data.

  • Answers - where you have added polls or quizzes to knowledge, this tab will show all choices and answers to polls and quizzes from all explorers. You can filter, save searches and download this data.

  • Uploads - where you have added an upload element to knowledge, this tab will show all uploads from all explorers. You can filter, save searches and download this data.

  • Tasks - where you have added tasks to knowledge, this tab will show all tasks from all explorers. You can filter, save searches and download this data.

  • Events - where you have added events to knowledge, this tab will show details of events from all explorers. You can filter, save searches and download this data.

  • Insights (only topics) - a list of insights you have added to the topic, you may download this data at the bottom of the page via the CSV link.

  • Timeline - this tab allows you to report on People, Events, Actions and Dates against the selected knowledge.

Settings related tabs

For information on managing specific Pathways, please review the dedicated support article here.

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