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How can new users self-enrol or self-register as learners?
How can new users self-enrol or self-register as learners?

Our self-registration feature allows new users to register and enrol in training by using unique tokens.

David King avatar
Written by David King
Updated over 5 months ago

While your organisation can create and enrol users directly, either individually or via uploads or integrations, there may be times when you want to allow new users to create themselves (self-register) and gain access to a specific training module. Alternatively, you may have existing users who you would also like to give the ability to enrol into new training via an external sign-up (rather than via the internal catalogue option).

Example use cases

Example use cases may include:

  • Allowing contractors to self-register for contractor induction training (using different tokens for different sites or roles)

  • Allowing customers to self-register for training about your product or service (with different tokens for different products)

  • Allowing a customer who has purchased many enrolments in your training to have a unique token they can provide to their own users to enrol in the purchased training (avoiding the need for a spreadsheet upload).

In all these cases, our self-registration feature can assist.

Broadly speaking, self-registration allows your organisation to:

  • Enable a publicly accessible registration page

  • Style your registration page

  • Create multiple unique 'tokens' (e.g. CONTRACTOR23) for every topic, article or pathway in your portal

  • Manage tokens with usage limits and/or expiry dates

  • Deactivate or reactivate individual tokens

  • Run reports on token usage across your entire portal

The steps to get started are:

Let's review these steps to help you set up and use tokens for self-registration.

Note: For troubleshooting, please refer to the FAQs below.

1 - Activate self-registration

By default, the self-registration feature is NOT enabled in your portal. Your organisation will need to elect to enable this feature.

As subscriptions are determined by the number of monthly active users in your portal and this feature allows external learners to self-register and login to your portal, your organisation must manually enable this feature and then manage its usage (and accept the risks of external users in your portal).

Only Super Admins can enable the self-registration feature in your portal. They can do so in Admin Accounts Subscription tab and by toggling on the 'Self-Registration' option.

2 - Style your registration page

Once enabled, you can click the 'Edit' icon to be taken to Admin Account Access tab, where you can update the styling settings by selecting the 'Edit Self-Registration' option.

By default, that page will have a heading, introductory text and the self-registration form.

You can style this page by editing the Self-Registration panel and changing the following:

  • Heading. Should be something short and clear. The default is 'Let's get started.'

  • Image. This is optional. We recommend an image around 500 x 500 px. The image appears in a column on the page, so some testing may be needed to ensure a good fit.

  • Intro. This text is optional, but recommended. This text should welcome your users and provide any instructions about the registration process. The default is 'Register to enrol in our learning modules. You will need a token matching the module you wish to enrol in. After registering, please check your inbox for an email with login instructions.'

  • Terms. This text is optional. You can paste in specific terms of use for your users to review and accept. The Registration button on your page will change to include '(and accept Terms of Use)' if you have provided terms.

3 - Create tokens for your topics, articles and pathways

With your self-registration page ready to go, you can now start creating tokens for any of your topics, articles and pathways.

Note: Only Super Admins and Standard Admins can create tokens. As noted above, tokens grant external users the option to self-register and become a monthly active user for your subscription. Your organisation must take responsibility for the creation and use of tokens and, as such, this is limited to higher levels of admin access.

Tokens are created either via the Tokens bulk upload option or by accessing a topic, article or pathway in the Admin area and selecting the Access tab. There is a panel called 'Create tokens for external self-registration and enrolment'. To edit this panel:

  • Self-registration must be enabled.

  • You must be a Super Admin or Standard Admin.

Super and Standard Admins can then edit the tokens for each topic, article or pathway to either create, delete or update existing tokens. Each token has the following settings:

  • Label: The token label is the 'code' which will be entered by a user on the registration page. By entering this token, the user is requesting an enrolment into the topic, article or pathway associated with that token. Therefore, tokens must...

    • Be Unique. Tokens cannot be reused between topics, articles and pathways, as we would then be unable to tell which topic, article or pathway the learner is requesting access to.

    • Have No Spaces. Tokens must be a single phrase with no spaces. Underscore (_) can be used if needed.

  • Creates: This setting determines the Type of user created by the token.

  • Limit - Optional: This setting determines the maximum number of enrolments that can be created by this token. The setting can be:

    • 0 which means 'unlimited' and will have no restrictions on how many times the token is used.

    • A positive number which will limit the number of enrolments to that number. For example, if 10 is entered, then only 10 enrolments can be created by this token. After the 10th enrolment is created, further use of the token will return a message that the token limit has been reached and new users/enrolments will not be created.

  • Expires - Optional: This setting determines the maximum date for which enrolments can be created by this token. The setting can be:

    • 'Nil/Clear', which means 'no expiry' and therefore the token will always be available for use regardless of the date. will have no restrictions on how many times the token is used.

    • A positive number, which limits the number of enrolments to that number. For example, if 10 is entered, then only 10 enrolments can be created by this token. After the 10th enrolment is created, further use of the token will return a message that the token limit has been reached and new users/enrolments will not be created.

After a token is created, the Admin should SAVE to create the token (or apply any changes).

Notes: Please be aware:

  • If an enrolment created by a token is deleted/unenrolled and that token has a limit applied, then this will remove that previous usage and essentially 'free up' space for a new enrolment. So if you had reached 10 enrolments in a token with a limit of 10, and you then unenrolled someone created by that token, then the token would now have 9 enrolments and would allow for 1 new one to be created.

  • Both Limit and Expires can be used for a token - doing so would limit the token to a maximum number of enrolments within the specified timeframe.

  • If an enrolment created by a token is deleted/unenrolled and that token has a limit applied, then this will remove that previous usage and essentially 'free up' space for a new enrolment. So if you had reached 10 enrolments in a token with a limit of 10, and you then unenrolled someone created by that token, then the token would now have 9 enrolments and would allow for 1 new one to be created.

  • Tokens can also be deactivated, which will prevent all further use but retain the token information for reactivation in the future.

  • If the self-registration feature is entirely disabled in the portal (on Admin Accounts Access), then the registration page will no longer be activated and no user will be able to register or use any token (since they can't even see the registration page).


Expand the rows below for answers to some commonly asked questions.

What happens when a user uses a token?

What happens when a user uses a token?

When a user uses a token on the registration page, they will need to enter their first and last name, plus their email address and a token. Once they click to register, several things may occur depending on the situation.

If the user does not already exist...

  • Then they will be created AND sent an invitation email. The invitation email is sent to confirm their email address was correctly entered.

  • The user can click on the link in the invitation email to set a password and log in to your portal.

  • It is at this point - their first login - that the user becomes a 'monthly active user' in your portal for that calendar month.

If the user already exists...

...then no changes will be made since the user already has a profile and password and can already log in.

If the user is not enrolled in the topic, article or pathway AND the token usage is not restricted (by limit or expires)...

...then the user will also be enrolled in the associated topic, article or pathway. All the usual enrolment options will occur as/if enabled (notifications, due dates etc...).

If the user is already enrolled in the topic, article or pathway AND the token usage is not restricted (by limit or expiration date)...

...then either of these options will occur:

  • If the user is using the same token that they previously used, then no new enrolment will be created. This prevents the same user from ending up with multiple enrolments by accident or using up all your token limits.

  • If the user is using a different token than they previously used, then a retake enrolment will be created. This allows for a scenario when you are using a new token each period (say every 12 months) for users who want to enrol each year. By using the new token, the user will be given a new retake enrolment.

If the token has either reached its enrolment limit or expired... new enrolment will be created, the token will not work.

How can I track token enrolments and users?

A 'Created By' field is visible on the profile of all users in Tribal Habits. This field is populated with details of the token for any user created in your portal via a self-registration token.

Likewise, all topic enrolments in Tribal Habits have an 'Enrolled By' field which displays details of how the enrolment was created, for instance, the token that created the enrolment, if applicable.

In addition, you can use the 'Created By' People filter to identify users created by a specific token. This filter option appears in the People filter on the People page, in enrolment lists and for various reports in Analytics.

You can also review all your self-registration tokens via the Tokens report in Analytics.

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