If you need to manage the pathways in your portal, administrators can easily do this by navigating to Admin β Account β Knowledge and selecting the Pathways tab.
Here, you can view details of your existing pathways including their titles and links to the individual topics within them.
You can also see:
Any assigned categories and skills (in the Categories and Skills columns)
Details of due dates, certification periods and recertification (in the Timing column)
An overview of any access options that have been enabled such as manager enrolments, catalogue and automated rules, and registration tokens (in the Access column)
The number of enrolments into the pathway and the percent complete (in the Enrolments and Completed columns)
Expand the following headings for more information about managing your pathways.
Managing your pathways
Managing your pathways
By default, all active pathways are displayed on the Pathways tab.
You can use the search box to locate a specific pathway using key words.
You can also use the filter buttons as follows:
Only Active - Change to 'Only Archived' to see any pathways that have been archived in your portal.
All Categories - Select one or more categories to view only pathways that have the specified categories assigned.
All Skills - Select one or more skills to view only pathways that have the specified skills assigned.
All Access - Select a type of access to view only pathways that have the specified access type enabled. The options are Manager Enrolments, Catalogue Rules, Automated Rules, and Registration Tokens.
When one or more pathways in the list is selected, you can use the 'Bulk Actions' button to perform actions such as add categories or skills, revert archived pathways back to active or archive active pathways.
Use the 'Refresh' button to clear any filters and the 'Download CSV' option to export a CSV list of your pathways.
Managing a specific pathway
Managing a specific pathway
When you click the name of a pathway in your list of pathways, you can access the admin area for that pathway where you have access to several tabs for managing the specific pathway.
Overview - Modify the topics included in the pathway (add or remove content, update the settings).
Enrolments - View enrolment details.
Access - Find enrolment codes for CSV uploads, and manage access settings.
Notifications - Manage enrolment, reminder and completion notifications.
Settings - Manage settings such as due dates.
Timeline - View the historical data for your pathway.
IMPORTANT! Making changes to the knowledge included in a pathway will impact all people currently enrolled in the pathway - not just future enrolments. So, if you swap a module in your pathway after the pathway is created, those who are already enrolled (as well as those who have completed the pathway) will then be changed to 'exploring' in that pathway. They will need to complete the newly inserted topic to get back to 'completed' status.