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Checklist to finalise your training content

You want to start enrolling learners into your training, but before you do, we recommend reviewing these creator and admin checklists first!

Lou Monsour avatar
Written by Lou Monsour
Updated over 6 months ago

Before you begin rolling out your topics, articles or pathways to your audience (your learners), use these checklists to ensure your training is ready.

Creator Checklist Overview

Admin Checklist Overview

Creator Checklist Steps

1. Finalise the overview of your topic or article.

To finalise the overview, navigate to your topic or article and click on 'I want to... Edit Topic or Edit Article'. The overview serves as a preview for learners before they commence the training they're enrolled in. It should include:

  • An explanation on what the topic or article is about

  • Details on why the topic or article is important

  • Who the training is relevant to. E.g. 'your company name's' employees or hospitality workers etc.

  • A 'hero image' that is representative of that training which will display for the learner in their training dashboard.

  • Important keywords which learners would typically use when searching for training in their dashboard. E.g. 'leadership', 'compliance', 'manager' etc.

2. Finalise the content settings for your topic or article.

To finalise your content settings, review these key areas before you launch your training:

  • Topic navigation - check to see if the settings allow your learners complete the different parts in any order or if 'enforced navigation' is enabled. Turning this feature on will require your explorers to complete the first module, before the next is unlocked and so on. Open your topic or article and go to Settings > Manage navigation to check your navigation settings.

  • Topic assessments - if assessments are enabled, have you setup the correct number of quizzes, pass marks and retakes? Assessment module settings are also found via Settings > Manage navigation in your topic. NOTE - assessments are not available for articles (only topics).

  • Module navigation for topics - have you decided to use the template Overview, Insight and Destination modules . If so, have you set the optional polls in Overview and Destination?

  • Extra features - would you like to add a list of important Resources such as files or links for explorers to access during their training? You can also add a Glossary. which are important terms and definitions for explorers to access at any time. If you're looking to encourage discussion, Q&A and idea sharing around your training content, you can also add in a Forum.

3. Complete internal testing of your topic or article.

To complete internal testing of your topic or article, we recommend you ask a colleague or small group to go through a test run as a learner before launching to the wider business. It's a great way to gather important feedback and identify any gaps or problems early on so that when you do officially launch, you deliver a seamless and positive experience for learners. When testing:

  • Ask other users who weren't involved in the creation of the training to review your topic or article as a learner.

  • Ask for feedback on the structure and the learning objectives you set out to achieve.

4. Optional: Request a free topic review from Tribal Habits.

To request a free topic review, click the 'Request free review' option available from the 'Checklist' drop-down menu when editing a topic. All customers have access to 1 x free topic review for each topic. You'll receive a 10-15 minute video analysis of your topic or article within three business days.

Our Tribal Habits Learning Consultants will:

  • Review the setup and flow of your topic.

  • Provide suggestions and advice on possible ways you could more effectively use Tribal Habits elements and settings to take your topic to the next level.

  • Alternatively, you can also request a topic review when you're using 'Sage' (our AI assistant/digital instructional designer), by clicking 'I'm ready for a free topic review' and the Support team will be in touch.

Our free expert video reviews can supercharge your content creation processes, ensuring you have correct settings and helping you get 'unstuck'. They are particularly valuable for first-time creators, or when you are working on complex or difficult content.

5. Fully test your final draft.

Fully test your final draft once your content has been reviewed by a test group to identify any further opportunities for improvement. This can be done by yourself, a colleague or another creator/admin.

  • Make sure you entirely 'Reset preview' if you are testing, or reset the enrolment of your testing colleague. This will delete any progress and contributions to the preview and put it back to the start so they can test it from the beginning.

  • If your testing involves submitting fake answers, perhaps un-enrol your testers once they've completed the activity, to 'clean out' their contributions from the learning data (or ensure your testers use real answers which can be retained).

6. Publish Version 1.0 of your topic or article.

Once all your testing is complete, publish Version 1.0 of your new topic or article. You don't need to publish your topics or articles to enrol learners. However, we strongly recommend you publish a version of your topic or article when you're satisfied with your content and before you complete your first enrolments so that you can keep track of future edits. When you publish for the first time:

  • Your learners will be sent to Version 1.0 of that training. In the meantime, you can continue to edit content as a creator without impacting your learners or Version 1.0.

  • In the future, when you publish new versions (e.g. Version 1.1. or Version 2.0 etc.) the new version will be available to new learners (or those 'exploring' who have not completed the module/section that has changed). We also record which version each learner finished.

Admin Checklist Steps

Now that the knowledge creator has finished the topic or article and published Version 1.0, its over to Admins to finalise the checklist steps and release the content.

1. Finalise the enrolment settings.

Before you enrol learners into your new knowledge, finalise the enrolment settings:

  • Certificates - by default, Certificates are enabled. When an explorer completes (completes) a topic, article or pathway, this triggers a completion certificate. Learners can view their Certificates in the 'Overview' card within the completed knowledge or in their Training dashboard > Profile tab > History. Admins can manage the Certificates settings (or 'hide'/not show certificates) by navigating to the topic, article or pathway 'Settings' tab > Certification.

  • Due dates - these are optional and not enabled by default. They will be visible to explorers once they are enrolled in that knowledge. Due dates are also used to trigger reminder notifications.

  • Notifications - these are also optional and not enabled by default. You can customise which notifications get sent within each topic, article or pathway's Notifications tab.

  • IMPORTANT - due date and notification settings only apply to enrolments made after these settings have been configured. If you make changes to due dates after learners are enrolled, you'll need to manually update the due dates for those learners (using the bulk action on the 'Enrolments' tab of the topic, article or pathway) if you want those settings to apply to them.

2. Change your topic or article status from 'draft' to 'active'.

Once your enrolment settings have been checked, change your topic or article from 'draft' to 'active'. You don't need to change the status of a topic or article from 'draft' to 'active' before enrolling learners. Some best-practice tips for managing your knowledge are:

  • Change content that is ready for enrolments from 'draft' to 'active' as a way of communicating to other admins in your portal that this knowledge is no longer a 'work in progress'.

  • Training that has been marked as 'active' is more prominent in the admin area of your portal and appears in the default view when managing content.

  • IMPORTANT - learners cannot differentiate 'draft' from 'active' topics or articles - this information is only visible to admins.

3. Optional: Apply categories (and any continuing education settings).

You can apply categories and manage continuing education settings via the topic or article's Settings > General. Categories can be created and assigned to topics, articles and pathways to help admins and learners filter, sort and search for knowledge. Other ways to use categories are:

  • Admin filtering - categories improve reporting and filtering options for admins.

  • Dashboard tagging - categories can appear on explorer dashboards to highlight content and improve searches.

  • Continuing education - categories are used to track points or time for continuing education reporting (CPD, CLE).

4. Optional: Apply skills.

If your organisation is using Roles, then applying skills to your topics and articles is critical. Skills are a very useful feature to improve reporting (even when your organisation is not utilising the full Roles feature).

  • Skills are assigned to topics, articles or pathways in the same way as categories.

  • To add skills to Tribal Habits, in Admin, select Account > Roles > Skills > and access the dropdown 'I want to . . . New skill' on the right.

  • To apply those added skills, view the topic, article or pathway in Admin and select the 'Settings' tab. Click 'Edit General' in the 'General' section, then click 'Set Skills' and select or deselect skills accordingly. When satisfied, click 'Save'.

  • IMPORTANT - skills are applied at the moment of completion. So applying a skill to a topic or article, after a learner has already completed it, will not retroactively apply that skill. So its best to add your skills before enrolling learners!

5. Finalise initial enrolments and enrolment options.

The last step is to finalise initial enrolments and enrolment options. After you have completed each of the above steps, there are various ways you can enrol learners into your topic, article or pathway. You also don't necessarily need to enrol everyone at once. You may choose to enrol learners incrementally or perform a soft launch of your training to a subset of learners.

Key enrolment options include:

Once you've enrolled learners into your training, you can continue to update and change your training as you see fit. This may be based on learner feedback or changes that naturally become necessary to the content over time.

If you have published your topic or article, you'll need to re-publish whenever you introduce changes that you want to make live to your enrolled learners. More info...

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