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How can I add an overview image to my topics or articles?
How can I add an overview image to my topics or articles?

Creators can add 'overview' images to their topics or articles to create a dashboard image, certificate image or topic overview image.

Lou Monsour avatar
Written by Lou Monsour
Updated over a month ago

Each topic that you create can have an 'overview' image. The overview image is the "hero" image for that topic - the billboard, the poster, the representative image for that topic.

IMPORTANT - As noted below, please pay particular attention to the tips below to optimise your Overview image.

  • Crop the Overview image to the recommended ratio.

  • Save the Overview image as a small file.

  • Use a widely supported file type for your Overview image.

How do I add an overview image to my topic?

To add an overview image to your topic, as a creator you can edit your topic and then navigate to the Settings menu. In the Settings menu, select the Update overview tab.

The Update overview tab allows you to edit any part of your topic or article overview, including the overview image.

To enable an overview image, check the box 'Display an image with your overview.'

You can now either upload an image of your own or search for one from our library. Try to use a simple image with clear, large items/meaning. The overview image will be among the first things seen by an explorer, so it makes an initial impression on them for the rest of the topic or article.

Tip 1 - Crop your overview image

To ensure the best fit for your overview image in the all the locations it can be shown, it is very important that you crop your overview image to 1000 x 450 px (or a multiple of that ratio).

Images which are very wide (thin) or long (tall) may be scaled or cropped to fit in certain locations. By cropping your overview image to 1000 x 450 px you can ensure your image will look correct in all locations.

You can do this easily in the platform. After uploading your image, click on the link below to open the image editor. In the image editor, select the Crop button and then the Crop shape menu and then the Overview shape. This will create the perfect crop ratio for your image (you can move your image around within the crop shape to find the best aspect).

Tip 2 - Save the overview image as a small file

We strongly recommend saving your overview image as a small file - ideally <500KB. Typically a JPG file type will be the smallest size.

The Overview image can appear in many locations (see below), but is not usually shown in a particularly large size. It does not need to be a large size, in either pixels or file size. In fact, large size images may take longer to load for each learner and impact their experience.

To optimise your Overview image, crop it down to 100 x 450 pixels - this is large enough for all use cases - and save it as a supported file type as outlined below. Aim for an image <500KB (or ideally closer to 100KB in size).

Tip 3 - Use a support file type

Use only a JPG or PNG. If using a PNG, use a non-interlaced PNG.

For maximum compatibility with both browsers and our completion certificate (which creates a file as a PDF), use either a JPG or PNG image. If using a PNG, use a non-interlaced PNG (which most PNGs are, but older software may save a PNG as an interlaced PNG, which is not supported by our completion certificates).

Where can you display your overview image?

After cropping your image, you can select the locations to display it.

Display on the explorer dashboard - This will display in the image beside the topic or article title on the explorer dashboard as well as on the overview 'slideout' when selected by an explorer on their dashboard.

Display on the overview module (Topics only) - This will display the image on the Overview module in a topic (the first module in the main topic navigation screen.

Display on completion certificate - This will display the image on the completion certificate.

IMPORTANT - If you are enabling the Overview image to show on a certificate of completion, ensure the image is of a suitable ratio to display as intended on the certificate. View a certificate from that topic to check.

IMPORTANT - If you are enabling the Overview image to show on a certificate of completion, ensure the image is of a suitable ratio to display as intended on the certificate. View a certificate from that topic to check.

IMPORTANT - If enabling the Overview image to show on a certificate of completion, ensure the file type is either JPG or non-interlaced PNG. Errors will occur if other image types (including interlaced PNG images) are used on the certificate (including preventing completion of modules by learners).

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