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Change Log and Roadmap
Change Log and Roadmap

Last update: 17 April 2024

Tribal Habits avatar
Written by Tribal Habits
Updated over a week ago


Please note that our roadmap is subject to change and not a guarantee of a new feature or within the outlined timeframe - sometimes things take a little longer (but sometimes they are quicker too!). If you would like to provide ideas for a feature in development or check if we have a feature on the future roadmap, please contact our support team.

In Development

  • New Scenario element. A long planned learner interaction, Scenario allows creators to build small role-play like interactions using avatars, backgrounds and branching questions.

  • New multi-session event element. A major update to the Events element to support multiple sessions per element, with class size limits and more. This is a substantial change to the existing Element and may be 1-2 months for completion.

Scheduled Next

  • Better popups for admins. We are restyling all the popups shown to admins in the Admin area, as well as adding some new layouts and UI to improve their use.

  • Continuing Education. Admins will be able to set CE goals for users and track completion to those goals per CE reporting period. Plus some new Analytics reports about Continuing Education.

  • Adding Timezone settings for each portal (and updating reports to match those timezones).

  • Analytics reports on Roles and Competencies.

  • Customise email notification text.

  • Generative AI. We will be adding new options to generate new elements from your existing content (e.g. creating quizzes from your narrations or text elements).

  • Assessor email notifications. With in-app notifications for assessors complete, we will be adding an email notification for assessors.

  • Improved manager email notification.

  • New learner summary email. A periodic email which can be sent to learners to remind them of all overdue training, upcoming expiries or expired training.

Changelog for 2024

Historical change logs: 2022 | 2023

17 April 2024 (Release 9071)

  • Feature - New Create tab on dashboard. A small but important change to the dashboard today with the addition of a new Create tab. This tab now lists all topics that a user is assigned to as a creator. Like all dashboard tabs, this tab can be customised with a banner and text. This tab makes it easier for creators to find and manage their topics, without worrying if those topics are within a pathway or in a completed state. This change also removes creator enrolments from the Training tab. So Training now has learner enrolments, Create has creator enrolments and Assess has assessor enrolments.

  • Tweak - We have made a slight change on the Training tab to replace a dropdown menu used to filter for complete training so an easier to use toggle (In Progress vs Complete) including a tool tip with information. This change may help users to find certifications on completed training.

  • Fix - Some notifications about pending assessable items were including pending items from deactivated users. This has been fixed.

  • Fix - Some of the Assess tabs in a topic where not always defaulting to excluding pending items from deactivated users. They are now!

12 April 2024 (Release 9016)

  • Feature - Webhooks now available. Our first set of webhooks are now available for all organisations. These webhooks are focused on enrolment data (new, completed and deleted enrolments). Learn more about Webhooks here.

  • Feature - External ID field on topics and pathways. We have added a new field called External ID for topics and pathways. This is an entirely optional field. It allows admins to entire an ID/code/tag to be used in our API/webhooks to assist in integrations with external platforms.

  • Feature - The SCORM element has received updated styling to match the new explorer UI. There are no changes to features - this is purely a styling change (and also improved mobile).

  • Library updates

    • New: Building personal resilience

    • New: Creating organisational resilience

    • New: Introduction to HACCP and Food Safety Programs

    • Minor update: Manual handling safety (AU)

    • New: Manual handling safety (NZ)

    • New: Manual handling safety (Global)

    • Minor update: Manging slips and trips (AU)

    • New: Managing slips and trips (NZ)

    • New: Managing slips and trips (Global)

    • Minor update: Conflicts of interest (AU)

    • New: Conflicts of interest (NZ)

    • New: Conflicts of interest (Global)

  • Tweak - More deletion warnings for creators when deleting entire points (parts, steps, ideas, etc...) in a topic. They will now need to type in the name of the point to confirm its deletion and receive warnings that their actions may delete learner data.

  • Tweak - The Reflect element can now be made optional by creators.

  • Tweak - Better error pages. We are upgrading all our error pages with better styling and information, to help learners who end up on an unknown / wrong / old page or otherwise encounter an error (e.g. SSO misconfiguration on login).

  • Tweak - Interact element now supports up to 300 characters in item titles. Please note that not all layouts will show 300 characters - creators still need to select an appropriate layout. This increase allows new uses for layouts like flipcards.

  • Tweak - Topic images on the learner dashboard were not caching correctly for some users. In certain circumstances, this may make those images scale incorrectly. We have implemented a tweak to fix this issue.

  • Tweak - We have slightly tweaked the text for the Task element when a learner is waiting for an assessor to verify a task.

  • Fix - The Reflect element was not replacing updated answers from learners (but was creating a new answer while keeping the old answers). This is now resolved.

  • Fix - The History tab on the Team page on the Dashboard was not correctly filtering for completed training which included External Knowledge. It is now.

2 April 2024 (Release 8916)

  • Feature - Set Recertify for individual enrolments via Import CSV. The Enrolments and People + Enrolments imports now support a new column called Enrolment Code X Recertify (where X is 1-5). This allows admins to include or exclude individual enrolments from recertification settings in topics or pathways (by using Yes or No in that upload column).

  • Feature - Change completed date bulk action. We have fixed a long-standing oversight in bulk actions - while admins could change due dates and certified dates via bulk actions, they could not change completed dates! This is now possible with the new Change Completed Date bulk action!

  • Library updates

    • New: Introduction to Environment, Social and Governance (ESG)

    • New: Responsible Service of Alcohol Recap modules for...

      • QLD

      • NSW

      • VIC

      • WA

      • SA

      • TAS

      • ACT

    • Minor update: Modern slavery awareness for managers (AU)

    • Minor update: Modern slavery awareness for workers (AU)

    • Minor update: Alcohol and drugs in the workplace (AU)

    • New: Alcohol and drugs in the workplace (NZ)

    • New: Alcohol and drugs in the workplace (Global)

  • Tweak - Slight enhancements to the Import CSV process for External Knowledge. We also split the template CSV into separate templates for each type of external knowledge and completely rewrote the support article for external knowledge imports.

  • Tweak - More deletion warnings for creators when deleting elements with associated learner data. This means it is now slightly harder for creators to delete elements like Task or Poll, which have learner data associated with them (Task assessments or Poll choices). Creators will receive multiple warnings about deleting such elements.

  • Fix - Custom Fields of the Date type were not always able to clear inserted dates via the Admin interface - this is now fixed and dates will clear.

  • Fix - Assessors who were not admins were not able to see the Groups (if Groups feature was enabled). They now can!

21 March 2024 (Release 8860)

14 March 2024 (Release 8789)

  • Feature - Slight changes to width of learner interactions. As a final step in updating the UI for learner interactions, we have made once-off slight adjustment to the width of non-media interactions making them slightly wider. We have also now updated the Creator view to have the same widths, so that creators should now see a more accurate representation of how different interactions align (and also more consistency in the wrapping of text).

  • Library updates

    • Major update: Fraud and corruption awareness and prevention (AU)

    • Major update: Privacy in the workplace and recruitment (AU)

    • Major update: Privacy in the workplace (AU)

    • Major update: Anti-money laundering (AU)

  • Tweak - We have added a new field to the Get All User and Get Specific User in our Public API which shows the date of the last login (current_sign_in_at).

  • Tweak - We have tweaked the layout for video elements for learners. Landscape videos are unchanged, but portrait videos now have a constrained height to allow them to better fit on the screen.

  • Fix - We updated a major framework in our platform last week and it was preventing new Zapier triggers from being created. This is now resolved (but any Zapier triggers created in the last 1.5 weeks will need to be created again).

  • Fix - When setting an individual enrolment to complete on the Progress page for that enrolment, the popup confirmation was not closing after the enrolment was set to complete - it does now!

11 March 2024 (Release 8760)

  • Feature - Customise the default fonts in your topics. After a significant piece of work, we have released the option for your organisation to select more specific default fonts for your topics. You can learn more about default fonts you can select in this article. A few key notes to consider:

    • Once you set default fonts, it will display those fonts in any imported library topic and any topic you have created which was using our default fonts. If you have already edit elements in a topic to select specific fonts, we will not override those selections.

    • We have select a range of the most popular Google Fonts to choose from. Please note that we cannot support every font in existence. In order to ensure compatibility with all browsers, as well as to manage platform load times, we have elected to use Google Fonts as the benchmark for browser fonts.

    • If you would like to request a new font be added to the list, please go to and select a font available there. Please also suggest fonts which are materially different from those provided. On many devices with smaller screens, learners cannot tell the difference between similar fonts.

  • Library - New modules published in the library:

    • Customer service recovery for managers

    • Customer service recovery for workers

    • Communication for customer service recovery

    • Planning for service recovery

    • Continuous improvement in service recovery

  • Fix - We fixed an issue where pathways requiring a minimum number of optional topics to be completed, were not setting the pathway to completion once the minimum number of optional topics were completed.

  • Fix - We tweaked a few settings in Import CSV to better auto-match column names and deal with some edge cases in uploads.

  • Fix - We fixed a UI issue with the Team page / History tab on the learner dashboard, where the links to additional pages of training history was not always visible.

4 March 2024 (Release 8722)

  • Tweak - Final changes for new explorer UI made to Assessment and Activity modules. We just need to adjust a few things in Creator view now. Custom brand fonts are imminent!

  • Tweak - Assessor enrolments now appear on the Assess tab on the dashboard even when that enrolment is in a topic within a pathway.

  • Fix - LMS Link users no longer see the Download button when viewing their journal (they are unable to create a PDF via an LMS Link).

29 February 2024 (Release 8706)

  • Feature - External Knowledge can now be toggled on/off. There's a new set of feature toggles we are building in the Admin area on the Account/Subscription tab. The External Knowledge toggle allows your organisation to toggle this feature on/off. When toggled off, External Knowledge can no longer be added to the portal and various reports/headings are hidden to reduce clutter.

  • Feature - Roles can now be toggled on/off. Similarly, the Roles feature can also be toggled off, to remove Roles from your portal - hiding several reports, columns and panels.

  • Feature - SSO, SCORM Upload, LMS Link and Continuing Education toggles now all relocated onto the same Account/Subscription tab.

  • Tweak - The Overview, Destination and Insights modules in topics have been updated with the new UI, as has the main topic navigation page. Just a couple of pages left to do before a final tidy up and we will then release custom fonts.

  • Tweak - We have sped up the Skills Attained analytics report, so it loads faster for larger organisations (its still a very complex report and can take 5-10 seconds to calculate for larger organisations, but is now loading significantly quicker).

  • Fix - We fixed an error in the Skills Progression analytics report which was not calculating per cents correctly in all instances.

  • Fix - The Email and Download buttons on learner Journals were not always showing for topics which had blank sections in their Overviews. This is now resolved.

16 February 2024 (Release 8566)

  • Feature - Completion Certificates now attached to completion emails. If you have enabled certificates of completion and enabled completion email notifications in topics or pathways, the certificates are now attached as PDFs to the email. 😀

  • Tweak - We tweaked over 50 little styling and UI issues with recent updates to all the Explorer elements (no bugs - just harmonising layouts, ensuring consistency in fonts, managing sizes of buttons, fixing layouts on flip cards and so on).

  • Fix - We fixed a little issue which could - in specific circumstances - result in the Next Enrolment feature triggering twice and enrolling the learner in the next topic or pathway twice.

13 February 2024 (Release 8538)

  • Feature - Notes for LMS Link and Internal Auto-Enrol Links. Admins can now leave notes about LMS Links and Internal Auto-Enrol Links to assist with training management (e.g. Additional details on where the links are used, invoicing information, contact details).

  • Tweak - The final explorer UI was complete! We are now progressing to finalising the updated UI for system modules in topics (such as Overview and Assessment).

    • Interact - Flipcards

    • Interact - Process

    • Shared insights and Insight Battles

  • Fix - The new Quiz and Reflect UI were not always showing that completion for those elements was mandatory. It's correctly shown now!

  • Fix - The new Hotspot UI was not always allowing learners to revisit previously visited hotspot markers. Now they can.

  • Fix - The new Import CSV process was not correctly processing emails containing an apostrophe - it does now!

9 February 2024 (Release 8522)

  • Feature - New Import CSV option - Tokens. If your organisation is using our self-registration feature, you can now use the Import CSV feature to both create and update Tokens in your portal. You can create new tokens, update limits and expiry dates and deactivate tokens via CSV upload.

  • Feature - New Import CSV option - Lists. If your organisation is using Custom Fields with the List type, you can now use the Import CSV feature to both create and update items within a List. Very handy when you have 300 locations to list!

  • Feature - New Import CSV option - Groups. If your organisation is using our Groups feature, you can now use the Import CSV feature to both create and update your groups.

  • Feature - New Import CSV option - Roles / Skills / Competencies. If your organisation is using our Roles feature, you can now use the Import CSV feature to both create and update Roles, Competencies and Skills. This includes descriptions, codes and active/inactive, but also assigning skills to a competency and assigning competencies to a role!!

  • Feature - New Import CSV option - External Knowledge. While admins have previously been able to upload External Knowledge via CSV, we have significantly improved this process with our new Import CSV feature. Admins can now both create AND UPDATE external knowledge records via CSV. There is also better error management and background processing of large uploads.

  • Tweak - Deprecation of 'conquered' and replacement with 'complete'. We have almost finished replacing the word 'conquer' with 'complete' (and variations there of) through-out the platform to better align completion status with external APIs. There may be a few remaining instances of 'conquer' which will be removed over the next few weeks. We are updating our support articles with this change on a continuous basis, but that may also take a few months to finalise.

  • Tweak - The following elements have all been updated with the new styling:

    • Task

    • Q&A

    • Upload

    • Button

    • Insight

    • Interact - Timeline

    • Interact - List

    • Interact - Tabs

    • Interact - Accordion

    • Interact - Acronym

    • Interact - Buttons

  • Fix - Completed pathways which contained an individual topic with automated re-certification were not correctly updating their progress to Exploring when the topic retake commenced. As a result, the completed pathway was not moving back to the training dashboard for the learner to see. This is now fixed.

  • Fix - We accidentally removed a warning when an Admin attempted to create a duplicate token - this is now fixed and a warning is shown that the duplicate token was not created.

  • Fix - When a Fill-In element was used in the Assessment module in a topic, it was preventing manually approved assessments. This is now rectified.

29 January 2024 (Release 8412)

  • Tweak - The following elements have all been updated with the new styling:

    • Narration

    • Sort

    • Upload

    • Reflect

    • Hotspot

    • Quote (also some new layouts)

    • Insights

  • Tweak - New filters and searches on the Tokens panel in topics and pathways to help manage large lists of tokens.

  • Tweak - Timelines audit reports are now tracking a range of new changes including certificate views, enrolment types (creator vs explorer vs assessor) plus changes to various settings in topics and pathways.

2 January 2024 (Release 8307)

  • Feature - New Import CSV option - People, Enrolments and People & Enrolments. Our brand new import CSV process has launched. This process replaces the old Upload People process with a more robust and flexible process. Initially the process launches with three import options - People, Enrolments and People + Enrolments - but many more are to follow in February. The new process handles uploads as a background job, allowing admins to continue working while uploads are processed. Errors are also better managed, with the upload processing all correct rows and returning a new CSV with any error rows with individual error messages. Uploads can now also use email, as well as username, to identify users (to allow bulk changes to usernames or simplify enrolment uploads). Learn more about this new process here.

  • Tweak - More explorer UI updates.

    • PDF element updated with the new styling.

    • Small tweaks to a few recently updated elements.

  • Tweak - Organisation logos are now restricted to JPG and PNG to ensure compatibility with our new custom certificates.

  • Tweak - The Single Sign On (SSO) page in Admin/Accounts/SSO has been updated to correctly show SSO URLs in a portal with a custom domain.

  • Fix - Team leaders were encountering a bug when downloading a filtered table of external knowledge on the Team/History page. This is now resolved.

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