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How do Admins set up new training?

There are two ways to start creating topics or articles in Tribal Habits. This article focuses on how admins can start the process.

Lou Monsour avatar
Written by Lou Monsour
Updated over 9 months ago

There are two ways to start creating topics or articles in Tribal Habits.

Note - Organisations can only create new topics if they have a Creator subscription. All organisations can create new articles.

This article examines how Admins can set up a new topic or article in the Admin area.

Log in as an Admin and switch to Admin mode. Then access the 'Knowledge' tab where you will see a list of existing topics, articles and pathways.

To create a new topic or article, follow these steps.

Step 1 - Click 'Create new knowledge'

On the 'Knowledge' tab, click the 'I want to...' drop-down menu at the top, then click 'Create new knowledge'. A number of options for your new knowledge appear.

  • Import and link to a library topic. This option will take you to the Library where you can import and link to library topics. Imported topics cannot be edited but can be updated with any changes made in the library.

  • Copy and edit a library topic. This option will take you to the Library where you can copy a library topic. Copied topics can be edited, but will no longer receive any updates from the library.

  • Obtain a quote to convert content. This option provides you with details of how to request a quote for the Tribal Habits team to create a first draft of your existing content as a Tribal Habits topic or article.

  • Start with a template topic. Templates provide draft topics or articles on popular areas of training and knowledge. They are best used for inspiration or ideas when creating your own topics.

  • Start with a new blank topic. This will start the process for a new topic of your own creation.

  • Start with a new blank article. This will start the process for a new article of your own creation.

Step 2 - Click the 'New Topic' or 'New Article' option

Review the options and make a selection. As you click on each of the options, you can review more information about that type of knowledge.

When ready, click the 'Begin!' button to start the process.

For all your choices, your new topic or article - whether imported from the library or created by you - will be set to 'Draft' visibility. Once you have reviewed or finished creating the topic or article, you can move it to 'Active' visibility, as you start your enrolments.

Step 3 - For blank topics and articles: Complete the overview

If you select a new blank topic or article, your process begins with an overview - four elements that describe what your topic or article will be about. The title and overview can be edited later to reflect the final content.

  • Title. A short title for your topic or article (max 70 characters).

  • What is the topic/article about? A paragraph describing the content the topic or article should address. This information is important not just for future explorers but also to give guidance to the creator about what they should include in the scope of the topic or article.

  • Why is this topic/article important? A paragraph outlining the relevance of the knowledge and the benefits to the explorer in completing the topic or article. This paragraph is also useful for the creator to understand how to position content.

  • Who is this topic/article for? A sentence or two outlining the roles and experience levels suited to this topic or article. Once again this is important for the creator so they can present content at an appropriate level.

  • (Optional) Enrol a topic creator? Optionally, assign a creator (see below for more info). To do so, start typing the person's name which will populate a drop-down menu with matching search results. You can then select the person from that dropdown to make them the creator of the topic or article. You can also select an option to send the creator an email to inform them that they are now the creator of this new blank topic or article.

You can then save your topic or article. At this stage, your new topic or article consists of nothing more than a title and overview. It needs structure and content, both of which come from a creator.

Tips on assigning a creator

Your topic or article needs a creator - a person authorised to add content. If you didn't assign a creator when initially setting up the topic or article, there are several ways to assign a creator later (or at any point in the future).

  • Go to the person who will be the creator and view their profile in the Admin area (go to the People tab, search for the person and then click on their name). When you view that person, go to the Topic or Article tabs. Beside the title of the new topic or article, click 'Make creator'.

  • Go to the Access tab within your new topic or article and click 'Edit creators'. You can start typing the name of the person you wish to assign and select them from the drop-down menu.

You can assign multiple creators to a topic or article, but they will need to coordinate their efforts carefully.

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