The Certification report provides information about all enrolments in relation to certification date. You can display the data by certified dates or certification status and filter by knowledge (topic or pathway), people, groups, roles and categories.
By default, the report shows details of all current enrolments, however, you can filter the report by:
Knowledge (topics and pathways as well as categories)
People (default and custom fields)
Roles (any roles that exist in your portal)
Groups (any groups that exist in your portal)
Status (toggle between showing the data based on 'Status' or 'Date'. For more information, click here.)
Enrolled people (toggle between showing the data based on 'Enrolled people' or 'All people' in your portal. By default, data is displayed for enrolled people only).
After creating a filter, you can save it as a favourite search using the 'Save Search' button. Favourite searches are available when you click the star button (next to the 'Save Search' button).
To clear all applied filters, click the 'Reset' button.
Status and Date
By default, data is filtered according to each learner's status towards achieving their certification in a given topic or pathway. Alternatively, you can view the data according to certified date by changing the drop-down selection from 'Status' to 'Date'.
There are five possible statuses which appear as badges or labels, colour-coded in traffic light style (green, orange, red) against each enrolment:
Certified (Green) - indicates the enrolment is current and completed with a future certified date. This is the ideal state as it means the explorer is certified.
Renewing (Green) - indicates the explorer has a lapsed enrolment which still has a future certified date. However, the explorer now also has a current enrolment (to renew their certification). The explorer is still certified from their lapsed enrolment, but the current enrolment to renew their certification is not completed. This explorer is still certified and, ideally, will complete their new enrolment before their certification expires.
Underway (Orange) - indicates that there is no current or lapsed enrolment with a future certified date, but the explorer does have a current enrolment that is not yet completed. Therefore the explorer is underway in obtaining their certification. This is usually the case for someone completing their certification for the first time.
Overdue (Red) - indicates there is no current or lapsed enrolment with a future certified date but the due date to complete the current enrolment has passed (assuming a due date exists). So the explorer is now both uncertified and late on recertifying / obtaining their certification.
Expired (Red) - indicates there is no future certified date at all and the explorer is not enrolled in any new enrolment to renew their certification. This is the worst case scenario.
Dates appear in different colours depending on certification status:
Red - indicates the certification has expired.
Orange - indicates the certification is expiring soon (within 30 days).
Black - indicates the certified date is current.
Where no date is visible (i.e. the field is blank), certification has not yet been achieved.
Report downloads
You can download your report as a CSV file using the download button.
When you download reports, CSV files are generated in the background. Once ready, they can be accessed (and downloaded to your computer) from the Downloads area of Analytics.
Your downloaded Certification reports will be available to you for 30 days following their download, and are not visible to other users.
For auditing purposes, all downloads are recorded in the Timelines report.
The ABCE Training company is interested in knowing the certified statuses of their staff members for their regular CPR training.
ABCE Training uses the Certification report, filtering by their CPR course to see all enrolments along with their certification statuses.
After filtering the report, they download it as a CSV file and follow up with any explorers who are not certified or at risk of being uncertified soon.