It is possible to create and download a PDF of your topics in Tribal Habits (with the exception of topics imported from the Tribal Habits library).
This is typically for compliance review or auditing, but its also useful if you want to review your content in written form or circulate the content for review by people outside the platform.
Your PDF can be the latest published version, an earlier version, or the 'Creator Version' which includes any unpublished changes.
Note: Only Admins can create a PDF of a topic.
Creating a PDF
Follow these steps:
Navigate to the topic in your Admin portal. Click the 'I want to...' button in the top-right of the page and select 'PDF Topic'.
Select the version you would like to turn into a PDF. Note: Selecting 'Creator Version' allows you to PDF unpublished changes in the Topic.
βSelect Download to create a PDF of your content in a new window, which you can then save.
Note: Only topics created by your organisation are available for PDF. You cannot PDF a topic which you have imported from the Tribal Habits library.
What's included?
The front page of the PDF includes details of the content source and any version details.
Within the document, the following elements are included (broken down by type):
Text: Text and Column elements are included. Images pasted into these elements are also shown.
Highlight: Insight elements.
Media: Image, Video (shown as an image), Narration (including scripts and text slides), Audio (shown as an image), Upload elements.
Sequence: Interact elements (all layouts), including any feedback options in those elements and all images.
Interaction: Hotspot, Sort, Poll, and Reflect elements, including any feedback options in those elements and all images.
External: SCORM elements.
Quiz: Quiz, Fill-In and Match elements, including any feedback options in those elements and all images.
Assess: Q&A, Task, Upload and Event elements, including any feedback options in those elements and all images.
What's not included?
Platform generated modules like Overview, Insights, Assessment, Activities and Destination are not included in the PDF. Activities themselves are included, but limited to the activity title, instructions and deadline.
The PDF is designed for content review and reporting. It contains simple formatting and no branding.