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How can I view a users learning history?

Each users profile has a History tab, this is helpful for reviewing knowledge history, history by category and full history of learning.

Kathleen McGahey avatar
Written by Kathleen McGahey
Updated over 8 months ago


You may like to review history of a specific user from time to time, including their learning progress as a snapshot, history by categories or you may like to filter by different types, categories and progress. This can be done via the History tab of a specific user.

Filter Options:

By default this page will be filtered on all dates for both Enrolled and Completed options. You can select different options for date filters out of the following options:

  • All dates

  • Last 6 months

  • Last 12 monhts

  • This year

  • Last year

  • This CE period

  • Last CE period

Update the Enrolled and/or Completed filters as desired and the page will update automatically for you to apply the new date ranges.

Next to these filter options, you will notice a download button - this button allows you to download a PDF copy of the details on this page.

Available Data:

The page is then broken into three sections:

  • Knowledge - this is a summary for the date periods specified to show you the number of topics/articles/external and total knowledge the user is exploring and has completed. It also includes a time summary column, this is the calculation of time across each line.

  • Categories - this is a breakdown of all training the user is exploring or has completed by category. It also includes details on Time and Points (where applied).

Note: Time and Points for categories are shown only when categories have time and points allocations enabled in your categories settings. Also, Time and Points data is only recorded for knowledge completed from 1st June 2021. Please contact support if you wish to alter knowledge completed before that date.

  • History - this is a breakdown of all history, filtered by default on all types, all categories and all progress. You are able to filter on types, categories and progress and also use the search box to locate specific knowledge.

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