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Deletion Protection

An optional feature for your Topics and Articles to be protected against unwanted deletion.

Kathleen McGahey avatar
Written by Kathleen McGahey
Updated over a week ago


Our Deletion Protection feature is available to be enabled on Topics or Articles. This feature prevents any Topics or Articles that have this enabled from being deleted.

How to enable Deletion Protection

This feature can be enabled by following the below steps:

  1. Navigate to Admin β†’ Knowledge β†’ Topics (or Articles)

  2. Identify the relevant topic or article in the list and click it's name to open more details

  3. One you have your Topic or Article open, navigate to the Settings tab

  4. The first panel of settings will be General, select Edit General on the top right

  5. Select the check box next to Delete Protection option

  6. Click 'Save'

  7. Success, your Topic or Article can no longer be deleted unless this option is disabled!

How can I see which Topics or Articles have Delete Protection enabled?

Once enabled, in your list of Topics or Articles you will now see a padlock icon beside any Topic or Article that has Deletion Protection enabled against it. This will assist you in identifying any Topics or Articles that you cannot delete.


Q: What happens if I select a deletion option on a Topic or Article with Delete Protection enabled?

A: Selecting a deletion option against a Topic or Article that has Delete Protection enabled will not allow the deletion to occur. There are 2 methods for deleting Topics and Articles, please see further details on each below:

  • Method A: Deletion directly in the Topic or Article

    If you have selected 'Delete Topic' from the 'I want to...' option, with Delete Protection enabled you will receive the below message on your screen advising you that this is enabled and it cannot be deleted

  • Method B: Deletion via Bulk Actions menu in Topics or Articles

    If you have selected multiple Topics or Articles and then from the Bulk Actions menu selected 'Delete Knowledge, you will receive the below message on your screen advising you that this is enabled and it cannot be deleted.


    If you select other Topics or Articles using this method and the other Topics or Articles selected do not have Deletion Protection enabled, only these will be deleted. You will be advised of this via the below message on your screen confirming how many topics have been deleted and how many have not due to Deletion Protection.

Note: You will need to disable the Delete Protection feature in order to delete the Topic or Article.

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