While managers and team leaders can review their team members on the dedicated Team page, there is also an option to receive regular email notifications about your team.
What is the team leader report email?
The team leader report email is a templated notification which managers and team leaders can receive periodically
The email is sent to subscribing team leaders and includes:
A summary of overdue training by any team members, with a table of team members, training titles, due dates and current progress.
A summary of topics and pathways which are due for completion in the next 45 days.
A summary of topics, pathways and external knowledge which expired in the last 45 days or are going to expire in the next 45 days (in separate tables).
A summary of the manager's existing team members.
The email also includes links back to your Tribal Habits portal.
How often is the team leader report email sent?
Managers and team leaders can subscribe to the report on a given frequency.
Once a month (which means the 1st day of the month)
Twice a month (which means the 1st and 15th day of the month)
Every Monday
Every Tuesday
Every Wednesday
Every Thursday
Every Friday
The team leader report is sent between 6 and 7 am of your organisation's time zone.
How can managers subscribe to the team leader report email?
There are four ways to subscribe to these team leader reports.
Team tab on the Homepage
On the Team tab on the Homepage, managers see a dropdown to subscribe to the report at a frequency of their choosing.
User profiles in Admin
Admins can also subscribe their managers and team leaders. Admins can select a team leader in the Admin area to view their Profile. On the Profile page there is a Notifications panel which can be edited by Admins to set the frequency for this report.
Import People in Admin
Admins can also set the frequency of this report via the Import CSV function. Both the People and People + Enrolments imports support setting this field via the upload. When using the Import CSV function to set this field, select "Team Leader Report Frequency" as the System Field and enter your choice as one of: none, once_a_month, twice_a_month, every_monday, every_tuesday, every_wednesday, every_thursday or every_friday.
Public API
The Public API can also be used to set the frequency of this field for each team leader via the Users endpoint.
NOTE - By default, team leaders are NOT subscribed to the team leader report when they become a team leader for the first time.
NOTE - By default, team leaders ARE unsubscribed by the team leader report when they are no longer a team leader or are deactivated as a user.