When a learner complete a topic or pathway, they can automatically access a completion certificate. Certificate creation is automatic and included in every topic, article and pathway.
Certificates can be obtained in many locations.
Within a topic, a 'Certificate' button will appear on the Overview card in the topic navigation (once the topic has been completed).
When a learner views their dashboard, completed topics and pathways have a certificate link.
When you have enabled the 'Completion' notification email for your topic or pathway, the learner is emailed a PDF attachment of their certificate and details on how to access in their learner dashboard.
When a learner goes to their profile on their dashboard, they will see links to certificates for all topics and pathways they have completed.
Managers can also see and obtain certificates for staff in their team by viewing each team member's profile.
Admins can also access certificates for any user by navigating to the People are in the Admin portal and viewing that person's details or that person's progress report. All completed topics and pathways show a link to their certificate.
Certificates are prepared as a downloadable PDF. Learn more about how to create and customise certificates in this article.