Once you enrol a learner in a topic or pathway, you have two options which can be used to require the learner to 'redo' that topic or pathway - reset enrolment and retake knowledge. These are very different options!
The Reset Enrolment and Retake Knowledge options can be accessed in the following ways:
By selecting one or more learners on the Enrolments tab of a topic or pathway, clicking the 'I want to...' drop-down above the table and selecting the applicable option.
By navigating to the Topics or Pathways tab of a user's profile, selecting the topic or pathway and clicking the applicable option from the quicklink options above the table.
What does 'reset enrolment' do?
When you select reset enrolment, the learner keeps the same enrolment but has to redo all their work in the topic or pathway. It's a 'reset'.
No new enrolment is created.
Their progress in the existing enrolment is deleted.
Their training history for the existing enrolment is deleted.
New Due Dates and Certified Dates are set (if enabled).
New Notifications are sent (if enabled).
Typically, reset enrolment is used when people are testing new topics and want to 'reset' everything and try again. Reset enrolment is a destructive choice as it deletes prior progress and overwrites it with new progress.
What does 'retake knowledge' do?
When you select retake knowledge, the learner receives a new enrolment in that topic or pathway. It's a brand new opportunity to explore knowledge.
A new enrolment is created.
The progress in the previous enrolment is retained.
Their training history for the previous enrolment is retained.
New Due Dates and Certified Dates are set for the new enrolment (if enabled).
New Notifications are sent for the new enrolment (if enabled).
Typically, retake knowledge is used when you need an learner to revisit knowledge which may have been updated or after a certification period has passed. Retake knowledge keeps their previous progress and training history.
Retake knowledge is therefore important for, say, compliance training. You may use retake knowledge each year to have learners stay updated on important information. This will build a history of their completion, keeping each enrolment and their progress as time passes.
What are 'lapsed' and 'current' enrolments?
When you use the 'retake knowledge' option, it creates multiple enrolments in the selected knowledge - previous enrolment(s) which the learner completed plus the new enrolment created by the retake.
The most recent enrolment will be given the status of 'Current'. This is the enrolment which will appear on the learner's dashboard. It is the enrolment used for reminder notifications and represents their latest attempt at the topic or pathway.
All prior enrolments are given the status of 'Lapsed'. These enrolments can no longer be explored or changed by the learner. They will remain in their training history, however, demonstrating that they previously completed this knowledge.